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[Help] Changing directories using Powershell and Ducky Script


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Hello all, As part of a script I am writing I am trying to change directories using the find feature of the drive letter and the $SWITCH_POSITION variable. I tried using Set-Location in Powershell but could not get it to work with the variables needed to find the drive letter and the switch position. I came up with the below and it works in Powershell but not in Ducky Script on the Bash Bunny. I am sure it is because I am missing escapes for special characters (possible) but after hours of trying I could not get it to work. I am at the experts mercy here in the Hak5 Forums :)

The payload.txt has:

Q STRING $driveLetter = (gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name
Q STRING $absPath = $driveLetter+'payloads\'+$SWITCH_POSITION+'\'
Q STRING cd $absPath

If I run in PowerShell it works:

PS C:\Users\NightStalker> $driveLetter = (gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name
PS C:\Users\NightStalker> $absPath = $driveLetter+'payloads\'+$SWITCH_POSITION+'\'
PS C:\Users\NightStalker> cd $absPath
PS G:\payloads\switch1>

I am open to other suggestions with the same effect. I appreciate the help in advance. On a side note can you pass variables from the payload.txt to other Powershell scripts the payload calls? If so that would solve my issue as well. :)

Thanks, NightStalker

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Thank you so much, I was able to finally get it after A LOT of trial and error :), I also found I had to enclose the $SWITCH_POSITION in single quotes to make it work correctly.

Q STRING \$driveLetter = \(gwmi win32_volume -f \'label\=\'\'BashBunny\'\'\'\).Name
Q STRING \$absPath = \$driveLetter\+\'payloads\\\'\+\'$SWITCH_POSITION\'\+\'\\\'
Q STRING cd \$absPath

Q STRING \$driveLetter = \(gwmi win32_volume -f \'label\=\'\'BashBunny\'\'\'\).Name
Q STRING \$absPath = \$driveLetter\+\'payloads\\\'\+\'$SWITCH_POSITION\'\+\'\\\'
Q STRING cd \$absPath

Thank you again, NightStalker

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