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is it possible to crack WPA/WPA2 enterprise using the nano?


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Hello everyone :rolleyes:

I am learning to use Kali linux and have found cracking residence passwords an easy task to learn. Of course, it is not easy to do if you do not have the password already in your dictionary :grin:

Now I am trying the next level of wifi cracking, which is cracking enterprise wifi networks where both a username and password are required from client using the challenge/response authentication. I want to learn this using the WiFi Pineapple , if possible. What I have to do is well explained in many articles, including: 


However, I am not sure if it is possible to follow these articles using the WiFi Pineapple. If it is possible, could someone please tell me if there is any special work that need to be done before the pineapple is able to do its job :wub:?
I am also new to making fake AP, and I read somewhere that I must have two wifi connections: one to connect to real internet and one that is used as fake AP. Could you please elaborate if this concept is true? Because I only have internal wifi card (works fine with kali) and wonder if the pineapple will be working fine as the second one. 
Perhaps it is very clear that I am new to everything: Wifi cracking, pineapple, and fake AP; Thus, please share any readable material you think is important and I will read it. Normally I don't like to ask questions because weird people will pop-up saying that I should learn X and Z before I even try to do something (:wacko:), please don't  do, at least not this time (:wub:), I am learning and would like some practice too! 
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Yes. Checkout MANA Toolkit for Kali Linux.
It can take on WPA-EAP (Enterprise) encrypted wifi networks.

I've ported the toolkit in its entirety to the Pineapples, but it's not very user-friendly yet, and you better know what you're doing when installing it. (Manual install)
Github Link: MANA-Pineapple

Edited by Zylla
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