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My Setup Experience


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Apologies for the length of this, but it may help other people

So yesterday I received my shiny new Tetra and thought "great, lets plug it in and have a play" :)

The instructions are nice and simple:

  1. Download the latest WiFi Pineapple TETRA firmware - complete
  2. Plug the TETRA into your computer using the included USB Y cables - yep, done, pair of USB3 ports on my main Windows 10 PC. Also plugged in the mains adapter. Solid blue LED showing
  3. Browse to (Only Chrome and Firefox are officially supported) - yeah. Nope. Not happening. Nada. Zip
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete setup

So, opened a command prompt and ran IPconfig

APIA address on the USB-Ethernet port - not a good start. So its not picking up DHCP from the Tetra. OK thats probably the PC.

Swap to laptop number 1. Windows 10

Plug in the Tetra to the two USB ports on the side. Still got a solid blue light on the Tetra. Still got APIA address on the USB Ethernet port

Re-install the drivers for the USB-Ethernet port - still nada.

The interface in windows is showing as connected, unidentified.

Cannot connect to the management page

Check the Wifi networks showing - 2x Pineapple_xxxx networks (presuming one 2.4 and one 5Ghz) - lets try connecting to them, and yep can "connect" but again, no DHCP address.

Now mildly frustrated.

Swap to laptop number 2. Windows 10

Plug in the Tetra to the two USB ports on the side. Still got a solid blue light on the Tetra. Still got APIA address on the USB Ethernet port

Re-install the drivers for the USB-Ethernet port - still nada.

The interface in windows is showing as connected, unidentified.

Cannot connect to the management page

Now getting more frustrated

Swap to laptop number 3. Kali Linux 2

Plug in the Tetra to the two USB ports on the side. Still got a solid blue light on the Tetra. Still got APIA address on the USB Ethernet port

Re-install the drivers for the USB-Ethernet port - still nada.

The interface is showing in ifconfig but with not IP

Cannot connect to the management page

Now beginning to think hardware failure

Swap to laptop number 4. Mac

Install the Realtek driver for Mac, new USB 10/100 adapter appears

Plug in the Tetra to the two USB ports on the side. Still got a solid blue light on the Tetra. Still got APIA address on the USB Ethernet port

Re-install the drivers for the USB-Ethernet port - still nada.

The interface in windows is showing as connected, unidentified.

Cannot connect to the management page

Now VERY frustrated and thinking about DoA's, RMA's back to the states....

OK, lets try something radical

At this point the only thing I've got left is to rebuild my Kali box as a Windows 7 box. Which completes and then takes another couple of hours to patch. By this time I've gone down the pub for the evening.

Laptop number "5". Kali Box rebuilt as Windows 7

Install the Realtek driver for Mac, new USB 10/100 adapter appears

Plug in the Tetra to the two USB ports on the side. Still got a solid blue light on the Tetra. Still got APIA address on the USB Ethernet port

Re-install the drivers for the USB-Ethernet port - still nada.

The interface in windows is showing as connected, unidentified.

Cannot connect to the management page

Now convinced there is something wrong with the hardware. 5 different platforms, 4 different OS' and not one DHCP address. Nothing on the forums that seems to apply.

Last thing to do - reapply the factory firmware

Follow the instructions on the FAQ page and bang, once the firmware is "refreshed" back to factory, all of a sudden everything is working on my W7 laptop, and I could login, complete the setup etc.

So its finally all working.

TL;DR - if you really really can't connect to a new tetra and you've tried drivers, connectors, everything you can - try reapplying the factory firmware.

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