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Terminal / cmd line commands for troubleshooting electronic devices


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I'm looking to learn and experiment with software with the aim of enabling functionality in electronic devices.

Example: on my ASUS P5-N-D mobo, usb keyboard doen't work in any usb port (but connected to other computer usb port it does). It used to work.

--> I would like to learn about how to fix problems like this via software.

Can you access motherboard functions via ethernet cable? - I suspect one can.

How does one do this? What software & types of software will work? what command line languages are used (I suspect they depend on the functionality of the software and what it was programmed in)?

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Not really sure what you are asking. Do you want to try to interact with a PC remotely via the network? You mention a motherboard (mobo?), is it in a PC, does the PC have an operating system installed? Have you tested that the keyboard still works - you say it used to work.

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Not really sure what you are asking. - Ok see below for more info.

Do you want to try to interact with a PC remotely via the network? - No instead locally - and have devices to setup a small network if needed.

You mention a motherboard (mobo?), is it in a PC - Yes

, does the PC have an operating system installed? - Yes Windows 7 or 8 in one of the HDDs. the mobo mentioned is part of a PC I built myself years ago.

Have you tested that the keyboard still works - you say it used to work. - Yes the keyboard works (eg when plugged into a laptop) - but it doesn't work when plugged into the usb 2.0 ports on the mobo mentioned, nor usb 2.0 on a usb connection on the mobo (close to reset and power jumpers).

I have another thread here - asking for help on the problem in the example above fyi. Feel feel to post there if applicable.

However for this thread I'm seeking information that will help me troubleshoot devices using command line / terminal commands (preferred) and software

Edited by nick5990
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Not really sure what you are asking. - Ok see below for more info.

Do you want to try to interact with a PC remotely via the network? - No instead locally - and have devices to setup a small network if needed.

Remotely means not on the machine itself so you do mean remote

You mention a motherboard (mobo?), is it in a PC - Yes

, does the PC have an operating system installed? - Yes Windows 7 or 8 in one of the HDDs. the mobo mentioned is part of a PC I built myself years ago.

Have you tested that the keyboard still works - you say it used to work. - Yes the keyboard works (eg when plugged into a laptop) - but it doesn't work when plugged into the usb 2.0 ports on the mobo mentioned, nor usb 2.0 on a pci usb adaptor

I have another thread here - asking for help on the problem in the example above fyi. Feel feel to post there if applicable.

However for this thread I'm seeking information that will help me troubleshoot devices using command line / terminal commands (preferred) and software

From reading your other thread the machine seems dead. You can only interact with it if there is an operating system of some kind running on it, the hardware doesn't have anything you can connect to to run diagnostics.

And before people start shouting about ILO and RAC type systems, they aren't available on older home PCs.

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Ok you mentioned this:

And before people start shouting about ILO and RAC type systems, they aren't available on older home PCs.

what motherboards have this? can you give some examples?

The easiest way to work out what is wrong is to get a friend with a similar set up and trade parts till his machine stops working or yours starts, then you know which bit is broken.

I don't have this option - noone nearby that I know has similar kit that I'm aware of.

What are the other options for diagnosing?

Edited by nick5990
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