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So I got my 2 dongles and started browsing the frequencies. I notice the different modes like usb lsb and others. What do these modes do? If I change to lsb I can hear beeps pulses etc but fm there is no signal. So how do I know which mode to use and why would I use different modes? What are their purposes? I just want to get a grasp and understanding on when to switch to appropriate modes. I am curious about the frequency ranges too. What frequencies contain certain data.

Im curious how to use it optimally so I can start making sense of this stuff. Any info would be great. Thanks!

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TO kinda explain

WFM is for broadcast FM

NFM is for other FM broadcast like Police and HAM

AM is for as far the dongles go Aircraft I believe between 108 and 136

LSB/USB is for lower frequencies below 25 MHZ mostly HAm Radio you should here to much or none at all

DSB Not sure

CW again is for morse code for ham and you wont find much above 25 MHZ

RAW Not sure

Most broadcast will be NFM except aircraft and Broadcast FM

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TO kinda explain

WFM is for broadcast FM

NFM is for other FM broadcast like Police and HAM

AM is for as far the dongles go Aircraft I believe between 108 and 136

LSB/USB is for lower frequencies below 25 MHZ mostly HAm Radio you should here to much or none at all

DSB Not sure

CW again is for morse code for ham and you wont find much above 25 MHZ

RAW Not sure

Most broadcast will be NFM except aircraft and Broadcast FM

WFM = Wideband Frequency Modulation - An greater % of carrier is modulated to a much higher deviation to provide high fidelity.

NFM = Narrow Frequency Modulation - A small % of the carrier is deviated and so can be spaced closer to other carriers but with very reduced fidelity

AM = Amplitude Modulation - The information is carried in the sidebands on either side of the carrier by injecting the sound energy onto the carrier

L/USB or SSB = Lower/Upper Side band or Single Side Band - Similar to AM but without a carrier and all sound energy is imposed on ONE side band

DSB = Dual or Double Side Band - Like AM (USB+LSB) but with no carrier

CW = Continuous Wave - Used for sending Morse Code, the process simply turns the carrier on and off (pure carrier)

RAW is the raw data stream meaning the I and Q data samples but untreated where as all the other "modes" imply some processing

The frequencies listed above are general guide lines but there are no set rules for which modes are carried on which frequencies. As a rule of thumb, the lower you go in frequency the more narrow the mode of operation but this is not set in stone any where.

Hope this helps - KD6W

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