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First post here! Hi everyone.

So, I've been enjoying the SDR and ADS-B series, and got myself on ebay and ordered one of those DVB-T sticks. It took a bit of tweaking, but I finally got SDR# working, I spent a few hours tuning around the spectrum and I am very impressed with the results i'm getting. I'm still using the feeble little antenna that comes with the stick (Next project, home made wide-band antenna).

Impressed by the results, decided to give ADS-B a shot, so i fired up ADSB# and connect with Plane Plotter, I expected very little as it was pretty late in the evening. After a few seconds, planes stated popping up over the South east coast of England. Not to many but a few. It was pretty late, so decided to give it a go in the morning.

Once again, I fired up ADSB# and PlanePlotter, I could not believe the results i was getting. I am about 40 miles directly east of London, towards the southeast coast, my location is also elevated about 150ft as I am in a high rise apartment. I'm using the supplied aerial, and I am seeing aircraft as far as Den Helder(Northern Holland), Brussels, and Paris.


I'm certainly adding a narrow band ADS-B antenna to my project list. I should get pretty awesome results

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I'm planning on buying one of these SDR adapters in a couple weeks to try out with the pineapple curious to see what some of these aircraft are flying around.

Any of you know if helicopters can be picked up with these or not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any of you know if helicopters can be picked up with these or not?

Anything that flies with a working Mode S transponder will be visible.

At the end of March I spotted the Marine One helicopter with POTUS on board near Brussels, even though they'd obfuscated the ICAO aircraft address. A fleet of police and army helicopters were also on duty that day according to the Plane Plotter log.

What you won't see is their position on the map - they don't reveal their position nor speed, just ID and altitude.

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