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Linux/OSX: Visualize RF spectrum (like SDR# on Windows)


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Depending on your architecture it should be available within your package-manager, maybe me should pad this out in following posts below?

As of Kali 1.0.5 it should be installed by default.



Either download the software from this website GQRX

or if you have macports:

port install gqrx

Mac ports is preferred is it will install all necessary dependancies! like: gnuradio and gr-osmosdr (drivers for RTLSDR)

It should then appear within Applications!

Very point and click orientated - very easy to use.


You can also use brew instead of macports; but I'm more familiar with macports!

Edited by midnitesnake
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Wow, pretty cool that they'd have SDR with their standard install. I found CuteSDR and Quisk in Synaptic doing an SDR search. I wanted to run Gqrx but had problems installing the tarball so I just went with what I could install from Synaptic and I'm going to use it for now. I can't wait to get the SDR Kit and start playing around with this stuff. I still need to see if I'll need to install any Drivers for the dongle or if they'll already be there from the CuteSDR and Quisk installs. Anyway, pretty cool for Kali.

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  • 2 months later...

In Arch and off shoots of Arch like Manjaro, Bridge or ArchBang you can get Gqrx from the AUR. I used Octopi to install Gqrx and it compiled it and installed all dependencies that were needed. The Arch Package manager is "magic", LOL.

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