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Only Macbook Pro seeing 'fake SSID's' - nothing else like Android or Windows


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30 views so far no takers ? What would stop my my Non MAC devices not seeing the SSID's rebroadcast by Karma ...

I have a pretty basic MK5 Pineapple setup and cannot get anything else in my collection of PC's to see the re-broadcast fake SSID's from Karma that the Pineapple harvests and then broadcasts to try and snag new devices.

I had configured the device via direct LAN cabled connected to my windows laptop and I have enabled Karma. After doing this the 'available SSID's' on my Mac include all the ones that are stored under the saved wireless networks as expected and if I can connect to any of these 'unsecure copies' of actual SSID's for example Safeway (which is definitely not in range).

However, neither my Hackintosh, nor my two Dell PC's (E6410 and D600), nor a Samsung Note 10.1 can see any access points they have remembered as known networks. In fact the Note 10.1 lists the saved networks it has and specifically says they are not in range.

Can someone give me some guidance as to what may be wrong please ?

Edited by english_gent
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Donno buddy. Are the saved networks unencrypted, open wifi APs? Karma might not work with WPA/WPA2/WEP networks since you can't authenticate to a fake version of them. Reword your details, your English seems off..

Set up the exact same networks on all three devices and see what happens..

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Ok so to clarify, I have a home network called XX and that is WPA2 encrypted. All my devices connect to that no problem. When I switch on Karma and use my Macbook Pro with Mavericks to scan for networks I see the SSID of the Pineapple plus a whole slew of unencrpted networks that I can connect to including an Open 'copy' of my main XX network. I can connect to any of these 'networks' (that are being rebroadcast by the Pineapple) including the Open version of XX and get internet access through the Pineapple's second radio that is acting in client mode tied back to my real XX WPA2 access point.

BUT, no other device in the house can see these access points including a Hackintosh running the same version of Mavericks as the MBP. I have two Dell laptop, an Android Samsung 10.1 Tablet, a Sony Xperia and NONE can see the access points that the MBP can see (ie the fake ones being rebroadcast by the Pineapple).

Btw - the two Mavericks machines have exactly the same saved networks as they are synched via my iCloud keychain.

Does this explain things better ?

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You shouldn't be getting an open "version" of your encrypted network unless you've saved an open version of that network on your laptop. Karma doesn't work that way, it doesn't do anything with encrypted networks at all. In fact it doesn't broadcast any network name other than it's own pineapple network.

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Thanks for the reply. I do have my home network saved on my Mac thats how I normally connect.... Ref other networks - I had believed from all the blogs and online info that Karma did exactly that, it re-broadcasts requests made by devices with saved networks (encrypted included) with the same names (and open), and thats how the honeypot works, not just with a user definable SSID for the pineapple itself.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by english_gent
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