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Trace Skype


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Well! Question is complicated so read carefully.

I do not want to trace call Skype to Skype (Do not Want IP address of that person who talking with me)

I want to track the "cell Phone (Any network)"


I have Skype with some credit and i am calling to my brother on his "phone number" and i want his location using map or anything like that!

Edited by L3arn3r
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Well! Question is complicated so read carefully.

I do not want to trace call Skype to Skype (Do not Want IP address of that person who talking with me)

I want to track the "cell Phone (Any network)"


I have Skype with some credit and i am calling to my brother on his "phone number" and i want his location using map or anything like that!

If he is using a mobile and the mobile network i don't think there is anyway to get the location. If it is a land line number you may be able to get the overall area but that is about the best you are going to get.

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If he were using wifi over his phones, best bet would be by IP, and GeoIP lookup, but that is only going to get you within the city vicinity. You'd need their SSID of the wifi device, and if any online service has it mapped with MAC address of the access point, and then equipment to triangulate the position. With cell, same thing, triangulation of the device, not by IP but phone's unique identifier, which I doubt you have the equipment to do either, wifi or cell triangulation. Sites like tnid.org, can tell you the numbers carrier, and where it was issues from what general city location, but without the phones actual identifier, and a way to track it in their area, which if using a cell phone the call could come from several states away to even all the way around the world, unless you are near the person, with access to the cell networks or equipment for impersonating a cell tower and having them latch on to you vs the nearest tower(which also requires you to be within close range of the end users phone), you're chances of triangulation are slim to none.

At best, GeoIP data may get you city vicinity, with things like Cable or DSL. With cell, roaming and gateways may be in completely different areas than the actual end users location itself and the IP alone would not be of much use. Also, unless you can hack skype to get their IP which supposedly can still be done against vulnerable versions of skype just by entering a users name and them being logged onto the skype network, that probably won't help in the case of a cell phone skype session unless they are on wifi. Cell phone companies can triangulate lost users, ie:911 calls, and so could law enforcement which either go through the cell companies or gov't agencies with the equipment to track tower usage, kind of like call signs in ham radios, they could tell you the locations of the last/closest hops, and from there, narrow down the area and triangulate a person. I don't see that happening in the hands of the average home user without some sophisticated SDR equipment and multiple people helping them close in on someone's signal.

Edited by digip
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