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Client Mode / Karma / Pineapple ssid - issue


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ok so I thought I would start a new topic and see if anyone can shed some light.

the issue is every time I try to use the client mode with the second radio things stop working.

I do understand theres an encryption issue but I have tried with no encryption with wep and with wpa2 nd have the same result every time.

1) pineapple ap stopping in client mode

as soon as I enable client mode my pineapple wifi disappears... I'm not sure if this is an expected behaviour or not if it uses the same card for the client as it does for the ap but ideally I would like to deploy this with just a mobil device so I enable client mode then set my other settings but right now as soon as i enable client mode I can no longer access the device without an ethernet connection.

2) pineapple does not know its a client

so once i connect to a network in client mode with ethernet from my laptop, the client mode screen shows "Connection initiated. See below for connection details." and below it shows "not connected refreshing in 10 seconds" and never shows as connected. the network screen shows the default gateway as as it should be. from ssh i can ping and on network tile on the home page shows "wlan1: NA" but if i hit show Internet IP it displays as expected. also the red led never comes on when i use the client mode window

3) after starting client mode karma will not start

ok so the last issue is after starting client mode I an unable to start karma. through the web interface nothing at all happens. if i try to start it from ssh using "/etc/init.d/karma start" I get "Failed to connect to hostapd - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory".

I have also tried enabling karma before starting client mode bust as soon as I do karma stops working.

I should also mention if I use ICS from linux everything works as expected

also strangely enough everything seemed to work correctly after the very first boot. but after i removed power and later tried again things fell apart.

hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me.

Edited by jjd
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Search the Mark V forum, some of these questions have been asked before and answered. Good luck!!

Heres the post about your first question:


To answer your second question, I know that their working on an update to the Network tile for client mode to fix common issues so be patient with Hak5 as they are working hard on it. Keep in mind the MKV is freash off the shelf.

As for your third question i think i remember seeing a post on here about that just look around and you will find it. Once again good luck and have fun with your pineapple!

Edited by BOOB00
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Search the Mark V forum, some of these questions have been asked before and answered. Good luck!!

Heres the post about your first question:


To answer your second question, I know that their working on an update to the Network tile for client mode to fix common issues so be patient with Hak5 as they are working hard on it. Keep in mind the MKV is freash off the shelf.

As for your third question i think i remember seeing a post on here about that just look around and you will find it. Once again good luck and have fun with your pineapple!


1) thanks ill look at that

2) I Know its new it just seems so strange that everything worked the first boot then fell apart, and will not work again even after a reset. Idealy i would like to try a reflash.

3) ya that topic was one that i was talking in but we never found a solution the op was not trying to use client mode

Edited by jjd
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