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Which Firmware?

Go to solution Solved by vwidmer,

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I been trying the different firmwares particularly the c_duck_v2.1.hex and m_duck_v2.hex.

What I want is that it will run the inject.bin and also appear as a usb drive.

Am I doing something wrong ?

This is the payload I am trying to run.

DELAY 3000
STRING Hello World

It shows up as a USB Drive but dont seem to execute the payload. Red led starts flashing after a little.


Edited by vwidmer
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You Ducky is mearly typing H + e + l + l + o .... and so on....

surely you want a simple payload like

delay 3000
delay 100
STRING Notepad.exe
delay 100
delay 500
STRING Hello World
Edited by midnitesnake
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Actually I was trying to keep it a simple as possible. I am on OSX testing it. So I just leave a text editor open then I insert the ducky and wait for a while. Nothing happens after a few mins so then I go and see that its already mounted.

So somehow its missing running the payload.

I can maybe try another payload to just launch something I guess if you think there maybe be a problem with it just typying Hello world in to the already open text editor.

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If I push it when the red led is flashing it opens "Spotlight" and types "duckyosx" thats it.

is that the cm_duck.hex firmware? I demoed the capability of spawning different command-execution on OS, through batch files and scripts.

Spotlight is searching for a script called duckyosx on the sdcard partition.

Strange, I don't remember hard coding anything, is there an inject2.bin inject3.bin on the sdcard?

Again, sounds like a timing issue - you shouldnt have to press the button just for OSX.

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