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Apache Setup

Lost In Cyberia

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Hey guys. My first question is, is there a hak5 episode where they detail how to setup and use an apache server on your linux machine? If not, do you guys have a good site that explains apache in great detail? Installing and using it from the terminal would be preferred. Thanks.

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Apache.org would be a good place to start, as well as YouTUBE for walk through on install and conf setups, configurations, hardening, etc. I don't believe Hak5 has ever done an episode on installing Apache, and there are different setups depending on Windows vs Linux vs OSX and so on.

Best I can suggest is start with google http://bit.ly/11l3JVD as well as work with existing virtual appliances that have Apache already setup, so you can see examplke conf files to compare for what to do. VM's are probably the best place to practice setting it up so you can revert to snapshots before each configuration change in case you bork the install and so on.

http://www.turnkeylinux.org/ has a lot of different web servers, most of which run Apache and PHP, and its how I got my hands dirty with Apache on Linux first.

For windows (and I don't suggest putting it on a production box due to the security settings being very different and easily hackable on windows if not locked down properly) I always like XAMPP, but be sure to change all the default passwords for everything including phpmyadmin, etc.

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Thanks! no, I plan on installing apache and running a tiny, local server for my house. just so I can share files, and practice using it, and setting up the .conf file.

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Installing in a VM would probably be the best way to test and learn then. Just start with something like a base debian or uBuntu distro and then from there, manually install APache, PHP, etc.

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