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Reset and still cant login

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So I was able to reset my Pineapple after forgetting my root password. Now after it goes through the reset and powerup cycles it never turns the wlan led on and the root password doesnt reset to its default. I can get to login comes up, ssh asks for a password.

I dont know if this is related but this is what my redirect.php looks like:


Warning: main(peets.html) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/redirect.php on line 8

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'peets.html' (include_path='.:') in /www/redirect.php on line 8


Any help would be appreciated...


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If you forgot your password and it doesn't reset with the reset button you might have to reflash it over serial. Your redirect.php is fine. It's just complaining about not having the html files.
Videos here.

Edited by TylerCPU
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Ok so I tried passwd a few times and am starting to think that theres something corupt... not sure what.

So then I thought I would serial a new flash on and solve it.. nope. I press 1 to : Entr boot command line interface.
The prompt never comes up.

I'm not sure what to do now :/



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Ok so I tried passwd a few times and am starting to think that theres something corupt... not sure what.

So then I thought I would serial a new flash on and solve it.. nope. I press 1 to : Entr boot command line interface.

The prompt never comes up.

I'm not sure what to do now :/



You probably have some settings wrong. Make sure that Serial Settings: 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control are both set in putty and in windows.


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I have my serial settings configured correctly. I turn on my pineapple, the menu comes up with options 1 - 3 and on the right it looks like its counting down. I press 1 a few times and it starts to load, I dont get a prompt right away. It then looks like its just booting the firmware... but it freezes before It fully loads and before I get the cool pineapple cli graphics and root cli.

However, if I refrain from pressing 1 upon boot the firmware loads fully and I do end up at the root cli.

Just wanted to add and it may help, but before any of this happened I remember getting some kind of "not enough space on device" error when i tried copying files to /www

I wasn't able to modify my passwd in my previous post until I deleted files in www because there wasnt enough space to modify that shadow file.

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Ok so I was able to reset my pineapple... Note to other users, if you fill up your pineapple to the max, and can no longer log in, serial in and free some space then reset the pineapple... you wont be able to reset the password until you do so.

If anything else, don't be lazy and just flash it.

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