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I've looked these forums for answers but didn't find anything so decided to post a new thread. Here it goes.

I'm looking to set up a Apache webserver (for me at home) that is completely redundant (through high-availability, load-balancing or just mirroring)

For me, the ideal situation would be to have a virtual machine with Ubuntu 12.10 running Apache 2 and having a second virtual machine who is the exact copy of the first. Modifications made to one, are also made to the second, so if the first one goes down, the second one picks up immediately.

(for this mirror synchronization, you will probably recommend rsync but i'm open to other suggestions too).

I have googled this for hours and found a lot of info, but nothing really concrete (howtoforge has some nice tutorials, but for Ubuntu 8.04 or so with outdated tools).

I did found http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-a-web-email-and-mysql-database-cluster-on-debian-6.0-with-ispconfig-3 and haven't tried it out honestly. Any of you had any experience with that?

Basically, my questions are:

- What do you recommend as web cluster?

- How do web hosting companies do it? What kind of tools do they use to assure high availability?


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