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Sniffing Problems With My Alfa AWUS036NHA


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Hi, I have a problem with my Alfa card when I'm sniffing packets on the monitor interface that sits on top of my Alfa card.

I'm using wireshark and I've noticed that I'm not seeing any probe requests. I started up an other monitor interface on my inbuilt card and it had no problems detecting them. It might have problems with other packets too but at the moment I'm focusing on the probe requests.

I'm using BT5r3 a bootable usb (not persistent) and I wonder if it's just a question of updates or something else?

If that's the problem I just make a persistent one and update it.

Have someone else experienced the same thing?

As you might have guessed already I'm relatively new to the linux os but I'm eager to learn! Just ask and I'll post any relevant system info. At the time I don't know what would be relevant to post!


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It seems you're right!
I just burnt a live CD and booted it up and I had no problems sniffing probe requests!

I also had problems with changing my regulatory domain when booting from the USB.
That too seems to work just fine with the live CD!

It might be time to dual boot instead..

Thanks for the help!


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