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[Firmware] Return of the Duck


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New version of the standard Duck firmware: duck_v2.hex

New version of the USB Mass Storage firmware: USB_v2.hex

Exactly like duck.hex (version 1).

So why the release?

VID and PID control is now easier - and can be achieved without re-flashing the firmware.

How, I here you ask?

Simple create vidpid.bin on the root of the sdcard.

Use a hexeditor to write the first 2x bytes for the VID, followed by another 2x bytes for the PID, having a hex editor installed on the sdcard, allows easy manipulation of the VID & PID of the Ducky.


Edited by midnitesnake
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Awesome work:-D

I seem to be having an issue with my 2 ducks and it started only after making a file vidpid.bin whith a apple vid and pid

it didn't work right and so I deleted the file and still my duck doesn't function right, I have reflashed duck_v2.bin 3 times and wiped my sd card to no avail??

what happens is keys get pressed but not the right one and if I wait for it to finish and press the button then it functions as it should the right keys are pressed?

what is happening


got it working

nevermind I guess the with the newest encoder you have to add a big delay at the begining?

Edited by petertfm
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Yeh, the Duck fires off a lot faster, you need a big initial delay to give the OS time to recognize the device, and prepare any drivers. Because the Duck is faster, it should now work on any OS.

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