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Asus Nexus 7 Screen Ghosting?


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I had to return my nexus 7 because of the ghosting issues, I couldn't live with it.

so a lot of people on the net are saying the same but I don't know if it's just one in 100 chance of getting a bad apple?

do any of you that have the 16gig nexus 7 have issues with the screen ghosting?

how to test

set the brightnes to 100%

make sure you are testing when you have not used it in the last few hours because after 25 minutes the ghosting does not happen(screen is fully warmed up)

set your background to a black or darker picture

and open say chrome and leave it on that for at least 2 minutes

then exit to that darker image and hopfully you wont see ghosting, I hope. I really liked my nexus 7.

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Lots of mobile devices have screen burn in. My Touchpad has it from the digital clock, that I leave it on mostly 24/7 when not in use, so when I go to the desktop screens, i can see the colon sign on the middle of the screen on grey backgrounds. Sucks, but also the nature of the beast and a lot of devices do this if you don't either turn off the screens, or run a screen saver.

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Lots of mobile devices have screen burn in. My Touchpad has it from the digital clock, that I leave it on mostly 24/7 when not in use, so when I go to the desktop screens, i can see the colon sign on the middle of the screen on grey backgrounds. Sucks, but also the nature of the beast and a lot of devices do this if you don't either turn off the screens, or run a screen saver.

true but when you use say chrome the location bar is always visable and in the same spot. Thats how I first noticed the ghosting, Afer having a plasma for a couple years I would never again. whats the point of having a crisp display if you see artifacts?

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For me, I know its because the clock mode is on 24/7, so its screen burn in, but on other devices, if it does it after only a short time of use, and not say, on the same screen for 24 hours and you see the ghosting after only a few minutes of usage between apps, then yeah, I would send it back, but most every screen, if left on the same picture for length of time, will get ghosting, unless its like a CRT, which actually sends scan lines so fast you can't see them. Over time, some old CRT monitors would get ghosting too, if left on one screen too long, like ones we used to use for dumb terminal emulators, where the main screen pretty much had the same text on it 24/7. It usually takes a while for burn in, but if the nexus does it in a really short period of time or during normal usage, then I would complain and return it.

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