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Sierra Wireless 250U - Sprint/ting 3G/4G Usb


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So, I have gotten my Sprint/Ting 250U modem to work on the mk4 (1199:0301) but there is clearly some modeswitching that could take place to enable 4g.

To get 3g working, all you need to do is modify the last entry in the default script (Huawei Modem 3-IRL) to the proper vendor code, change the service from "umts" to "cdma", and comment out the modeswitch.

The only strange thing is; If the modem has been powered down for an extended period of time, I need to plug it in to any of my other machines and run minicom (to initialize the modem) before it starts responding to commands... (then there is a mad-dash to get it plugged back in to a power source before all the capacitors lose their charge)

Probably a dumb question... but anyone know what Minicom would be doing during initialization that would cause my modem to start responding again?

I will post some details when I am done re-flashing the device.


Edited by XeryaX
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