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Nfs Question

The Sorrow

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Sure, just make directories for each share you want to mount in /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer and then mount them (add them to your fstab to get them mounted automatically when your machine starts)

e.g. to mount an nfs share from a NAS with IP of (If you have DNS you can use the fully qualified domain name fro the host) as share1

mkdir /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer/share1
mount -t nfs /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer/share1

and to auto mount on start you would add the following line to you fstab (Feel free to read up on the flags and pick those that you think will work best in your situation) /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer/share1 nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0

If they are available as smb/cifs shares and not nfs shares then you would need to change the mount types from nfs to either cifs or smbfs. You will also need to change the flags/options you use to mount it to get things like permissions correct.

Edited by Jason Cooper
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Sorry, the first space should have been a colon. /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer/share1 nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0

Edited by Jason Cooper
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Sorry, the first space should have been a colon. /opt/vsftpd/FTPServer/share1 nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0

I keep getting a "[mntent]: line 16 in /etc/fstab is bad"

heres the line /opt/The\ Lair\ FTP/Videos/ nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0[/CODE]

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Check the exported path from your nfs server is /mnt/Videos (This is going to be case-sensitive so check if it is an uppercase V or a lowercase v).

Remove the / from the end of /opt/The\ Lair\ FTP/Videos/ so that it is /opt/The\ Lair\ FTP/Videos nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0

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