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Karma And Extra Ssid's


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I'm having a very odd issue and I can't help but think it's something I did to cause this.

When my Pineapple's up and running without Karma, my laptop (using Win7) only see's whatever SSID I named it (i.e. TESTONLY) in the list of access points I can connect to.

Karma Not Enabled:


Currently connected to:

TESTONLY Connected


However as soon as I enable Karma, I see multiple SSID's (below) including the Pineapple's original SSID

Karma Enabled:


Currently connected to:

TESTONLY Connected

pineapple 05:a2

Other Network


As soon as I disable Karma, it returns to normal. The Pineapple works perfectly without issue in either case, but I'm stumped as to why multiple ESSID's would show up when Karma's enabled.

I could use some guidance as to the cause and remedy, thanks.

WiFi Pineapple Mark 4

Firmware: 2.4.1

Edited by iXi
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UPDATE: The following is what I tried but it did not work. I suspect it might be unique to either Windows 7 or my computer's unique hardware configuration.

Anyhow I just retested this situation using my Macbook Pro and it only shows one ESSID as I believe it should when I enabled the internal wireless adapter (Airport). So I'm suspecting the problem's either unique to Windows 7 wireless connection manager or my computer's hardware.

I went into Manage Wireless Networks in the Control Panel and deleted all stored profiles and still no avail. Then I had the idea of checking for stored Registry keys and found many profiles still there that I deleted a long time ago. I turned off my Windows 7 WiFi and launched Regedit with elevated privs and navigated to the following locations and deleted everything in the following folders then restarted my computer.

NOTE: If you're going to try this, please backup your Registry first!

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Wpad



My Macbook's a champ, works perfectly however my Win7 machine shows 3 different instances of the Pineapple. /confused

Edited by iXi
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