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Special Characters Added In Ssid


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Hey, just a small problem

When setting the SSID name to anything normal, eg "Test" Everything works fine


But when adding a ' to the name, eg "Test's" It adds additional characters to the name


Am I just doing something stupid here?

Note, this also seems to happen for many other non-alphanumeric characters.

Running a Wifi Pineapple IV on 2.3.1

Many Thanks


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Because ' is used for other things in PHP it gets 'escaped'.

Adding a backslash in front of a special character will make sure the character is used as text rather than part of the script.

Hope that makes sense, kinda difficult to explain :rolleyes:

Is it also showing up like that when you scan for wireless networks using a other device?

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I didn't mean you should put a backslash there, but that the script does it automatically, I just thought it would only show it like that in the web interface and still show the SSID correctly on other devices.

It's probably a little bug in the PHP somewhere, I can't access a pineapple at the moment to test though, I'm sure Sebkinne will know what's exactly going on.

I'll have a look at it myself tonight


Using stripslashes() you might be able to achieve this, but that would mean you can't add a slash at all

You could chnage the following code in config.php

				exec("echo \"$(sed 's/option ssid.*/option ssid ".$_POST[newSSID]."/g' /etc/config/wireless)\" > /etc/config/wireless");
				echo "Changes to SSID have been made persistently<br />";
		exec("hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_change_ssid \"".$_POST[newSSID]."\"");
		echo "Karma SSID changed to \"".$_POST[newSSID]."\" successfully <br /><br />";


to this

	$SSID = stripslashes($_POST[newSSID]);

				exec("echo \"$(sed 's/option ssid.*/option ssid ".$SSID."/g' /etc/config/wireless)\" > /etc/config/wireless");
				echo "Changes to SSID have been made persistently<br />";
		exec("hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_change_ssid \"".$SSID."\"");
		echo "Karma SSID changed to \"".$SSID."\" successfully <br /><br />";


Be aware that I'm unable to test this so make sure to make a backup of your config.php first

This is just a quick fix that might solve your problem temporarily


Edited by Dazzle
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