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Usb Drive Wifi Pineapple Issues


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Hey guys, sorry if this is a silly question, but heres whats up.

I have a Mark IV Wifi Pineapple running 1.1.1, with a 16GB SanDisk Cruzer flash drive.

I formatted the drive to EXT4, and the Pineapple is displaying that it sees the drive, but when I try and symlink or CD the usb drive over SSH, nothing comes up and I can't see any of the files on the USB. Ideas?


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Hey guys, sorry if this is a silly question, but heres whats up.

I have a Mark IV Wifi Pineapple running 1.1.1, with a 16GB SanDisk Cruzer flash drive.

I formatted the drive to EXT4, and the Pineapple is displaying that it sees the drive, but when I try and symlink or CD the usb drive over SSH, nothing comes up and I can't see any of the files on the USB. Ideas?


have you rebooted since installing firmware?

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  • 7 months later...

I'm also having a problem with my 16GB SanDisk Cruzer flash drive. I'm running version 2.7.0 and the pineapple can see the flash drive but not the swap. I tried using Darrens instructions and gparted but still having no luck. I even tried reflashing the pineapple. I read some where on the forums that 16GB's isn't supported because it requires more power but I can't find that thread. Correct me if i'm wrong.

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I'm using a 32GB PNY drive and have no issues.

The only recommendation I have is checking where the drive is being mounted (/dev/sd??) and modifying the fstab config accordingly.

Don't forget the "makeswap" command as well.

Hi coolgeek, what would be the command to check where the drive is being mounted? My fstab config is setup exactly like the instructions say. Thanks.

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You can use the command df -h

My output is the following:

Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 960.0K 504.0K 456.0K 53% /
/dev/root 5.3M 5.3M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 14.4M 572.0K 13.8M 4% /tmp
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock3 960.0K 504.0K 456.0K 53% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 960.0K 504.0K 456.0K 53% /
/dev/sda1 28.4G 577.2M 26.4G 2% /usb

My usb drive is detected as /dev/sda1, and mounted to /usb through fstab.

Edited by coolgeek
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Hey Cool Geek,

Please try mkswap /dev/sda2

I had issues initially with my Swap, and retrying the mkswap (not makeswap, although that is what you are doing), works.

I have an 8GB PNY USB, 6GB storage, 2 GB Swap, all now under 2.7.0


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