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Arp Poisoning Killing Targets Internet Connection


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Why is it that every time I try to ARP poison a computer on my network, it just kills the internet connection to the target? Cain, ettercap and arpspoof all give the same result. Any insight into this would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Are you using Vmware or any Virtual machine in your setup?

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I can't give you a good answer, as I can't explain what was causing my problem exactly or why but I had the same problem before. Anyways, I downgraded dhcp3-common and reinstalled it with dhcp3-server and everything works fine now. I don't know if I got lucky and it fixed itself or that's a real fix, but try it and see what you get. Use Synaptic to downgrade your dhcp3-common and then install dhcp3-server. I hope that works for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

ARP poisoning can cause a denial of service on the target depending on a number of variables. One could be the target's defenses. From my experience, commercial firewalls do a terrible job with protecting against ARP Poisoning, more often leading to denial of service to the target instead of actually protecting against the attack. It could also be the firewall on your machine. In both cases, this is where my firewall comes in handy. fireBwall is a modular open source firewall for Windows, letting you control packets at the NDIS layer. Anyone with .Net and networking experience can write a module(yes, user mode processing!) and we tend to write a few of our own. The Anti-ARP Poisoning module actually rectifies ARP Poisoning attacks by informing the other target(the router in most cases) of the correct mac->ip relationship. Also in the works, is our general purpose poisoner. One module handling ARP/NDP/DNS and other forms of poisoning. https://github.com/hatRiot/fireBwall/tree/master/PoisonIvy

Sorry if that sounded like a commercial, but yeah, without explaining a bit more about your setup, we are kind of just pissing in the wind here.

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