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Blade - Imagine An Internet Without Web-based Drive-by Malware Infections


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BLADE is a new Windows immunization system that prevents surreptitious drive-by download exploits from infecting vulnerable Windows hosts. BLADE is implemented as a series of kernel extensions, which interrupt the covert binary installation phase of current malware drive-by exploits. We test BLADE daily against live malicious URL links across the Internet and publicly post our unfiltered and auto-generated results to BLADE's Evaluation Lab. To date, BLADE's interception logic has demonstrated 100% effectiveness in preventing covert binary installations using the most widely deployed browsers on the Internet. Furthermore, over the past six months we have tested BLADE against the newest 0-day drive-by exploit attacks within days of their release, and none have circumvented BLADE.

Source: http://www.blade-defender.org/

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I wonder how well it does against memory only reverse shells, such as meterpreter attacks or native PowerShell attacks.

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@Digip, I guess we will have to wait until its out, in addition based on their research conducted in their labs, it has a 100% detection and prevention against any drive-by malware/exploit. But it's too soon to talk about.

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