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Hi ... I was wondering how to make a form either

1)Send the information inputted to another file (so i can view what the inputted and will be a type of list)

2)E-mail me it BUT so it doesnt have to open up outlook





<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="mailto:My email address">

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="30">

<INPUT TYPE="submit">

<INPUT TYPE="reset">



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If your server supports PHP, you could try this...

Make your page as you have, but change the action to this:

&lt;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="send_mail.php"&gt;

Then create and upload this page, called send_mail.php:

$name = strip_tags($name);   


$sendto = "you@youremail";   

$subject = "Website contact form";   

$message = "$name"; 

$from = "From: you@youremail";  


mail($sendto, $subject, $message, $from);

$next_page = "index.html";

header("Location: $next_page");

That will send an email from your own email, to your own email with the $name variable, which was grabbed from your form. Then it will redirect back to your index page, or whatever you want.

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