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RSS alarm under linux... HELP!

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ive been trying to do the RSS alarm clock under linux for like 2 days now. I am kind of a new user to linux and i guess thats why im having trouble.


thats the page for the project that im having trouble with.

im having real trouble with step 2. ive got up to 2.3 where i create the makefile but thats where i stop cause idk how to do 2.4 or 2.5. explanation would be nice. thanks.


enter that in your console in the appropriate directory:


sudo make install

if you do not have sudo installed/working, just become root via su and enter the following:

make install


when i type in the first command you wrote it comes up with

bash: make: command not found

and it says the same for the second. any advice?


yeah its saying the same thing but instead of make its saying that gmake command not found. im using the terminal that came with Ubuntu, IDK if that would have anything to do with it. Do i need to reinstall or dl another terminal or something like that?


yeah thats what i did. and then i get

Warning: Prerequisite Test:: Manifest 0.9 not found

Warning: Prerequisite Test:: XML::Parser 2.23 not found.

Writing Makefile for XML-RSS

then another file called makefile shows up in the directory. it doesnt have any shown file extention. and idk what to do now.

yeah thats what i did. and then i get
Warning: Prerequisite Test:: Manifest 0.9 not found

Warning: Prerequisite Test:: XML::Parser 2.23 not found.

Writing Makefile for XML-RSS

You seriously need to install perl 5 manifest and xml parser first, which distro are you running?


ok well i mustve really messed something up while installing or missed something because when i type the say command and something for it to say i get this

SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : say


well its obvious now that i dont know even any of what i thought i did about linux. so... what would you recomend me do to learn more about linux and tasks like this. also what distro would you recomend that i use. thank

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