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Nonfunctional Dns?

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Finally got some time over to fiddle with my Wifi Pineapple. Along those lines:

1. Start it up and it works fine outta the box

2. Reading forums

3. Getting ideas

4. Starts Rick Rollin'

5. Totally messes up with Darrens corrupt file-package in the Auto Rickroll guide

6. Wifi Pineapple non-functional

7. Trying to assign ip from other dhcp

8. Fails

9. Follows Darrens Wifi Pineapple flash-guide

10. Works excellent! :lol:

11. Wifi Pineapple up n running again! :lol:

12. Reading Rickrolling post by HomoHabilis

13. Fiddles with NYAN-Cat :blink:

14. Goes back to Rickroll

15. Trying out Rickroll via ethernet cable

16. ---> Rickroll!

17. Reads forum posts by DigiNinja and echoblack B)

18. Tries to rickroll via Wifi

19. Tries to rickroll via any other address ---> FAIL

20. Checks /etc/dnsmasq.conf ---> "address=/#/

21. Checks /etc/resolv.conf ---> "nameserver 127.0.01"

22. Still no clue.

23. Fiddles more

24. Searches forums for "DNS not resolved"

25. Searches forums for "Server not found"

26. Registers here.

27. Help?

Q: What is wrong with my very basic-by-the-book setup of my Rickrolling Wifi Pineapple v2 - URLs are not routed to I think that I've checked all the involved files, but somewhere I've

missed a step so only the address Rickrolls me but all others gives "Server not found" - Hence, the dnsmasq.conf seems non-functional?

Probably a quite easy noob-mistake. Any hints?

Thanks in advance! :)

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Q: What is wrong with my very basic-by-the-book setup of my Rickrolling Wifi Pineapple v2 - URLs are not routed to I think that I've checked all the involved files, but somewhere I've

missed a step so only the address Rickrolls me but all others gives "Server not found" - Hence, the dnsmasq.conf seems non-functional?

Probably a quite easy noob-mistake. Any hints?

Note to self: "Mind the gap" :rolleyes:

Works fine via WiFi, getting Rickrolled and NYAN-Catted all the time. Probably some good explanation why it doesn't work via cable (wan-settings different?). Don't mind me. I'll crawl back to lurkers corner now.

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