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Possible New Attack Vector Mobile Phones


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First off really sorry if that has already been looked at and covered but after a quick google and no decent results I thought I should bring the topic up for discussion.

1. Which member of an organisation is lightly to have a smart-phone with exchange capabilities?

The network Administrator

2. What level of account access to a lot of network admins account have?

Enterprise Admin

3. How many phones get stolen every month in the UK?

As many as 10,000 mobile phones are stolen every month - met police

So my question is how easy is it to either extract the hash and either straight out decrypt or just pass it?

Dose the phone have to be stolen to get access to the password or can we use Ubertooth?

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If the attacker has physical or ubertooth access to the phone than its game over. Besides I just read an article on the ComputerWorld website stating, this type of attack vector could be emerging any time soon. And its something that organizations and companies should take into account and be prepared for.

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