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I am really new to bash and I can't work this out.

Say I wanted to generate a menu with options from an application output. i.e

echo "Which folder do you wish to copy?"

#list all directories

ls -d */

so the current output is

Music Videos Documents Downloads

But I am trying to turn the output into a menu





The idea is to be able to run airodump-ng and then all the ap's will be in a menu and I could select a ap from the menu and use its information in other programs automatically.

Hopefully this aint too confusing.


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Don't just copy, look at what I've done and see how it works. (It does all files though, not just directories)


directories = "`ls -l | ask '{print $9}' | grep -v ^$`"
let i=0
for directory in $directories; do
echo [${i}] $directory
let i=i+1

Then comes the task of getting user input and responding to it.

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Don't just copy, look at what I've done and see how it works. (It does all files though, not just directories)


directories = "`ls -l | ask '{print $9}' | grep -v ^$`"
let i=0
for directory in $directories; do
echo [${i}] $directory
let i=i+1

Then comes the task of getting user input and responding to it.

That code does not work at least on my system.

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Or you could use the select command in bash that does exactly what you are after. e.g.

PS3='? '
select d in `ls -d */`
  echo $d

The PS3 variable is what is used to prompt the user for their choice. Also select loops till the loop is broken, which is why we have the break command just before the done.

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