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few errors while running USB Multipass


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im having a problem with some of my items not booting up

not sure if you ever get on here but i have been having some problems with my USB multi boot.

program errors:

System rescue

Backtrack is booting up though im getting an error after it boots

the ones that are working fine are:


the error that im getting memtest86


The error im getting on FreeDOS


The error for System Rescue CD


The Backtrack 4 Error:


Here is my Menu.lst

splashimage /hak5_tiles_glow-grub.xpm.gz
color blue/black yellow/blue
timeout 120

title BackTrack 4
root (hd0,0)
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz vga=0x317 ramdisk_size=6666 root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet
initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz


title Kon-Boot-test
map --mem /FD0-konboot-v1.1-2in1.img (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
map (hd1) (hd0)
map --hook
rootnoverify (fd0)


title Memtest86
kernel /memdisk
initrd /memtest86.img


title ntpasswd
kernel /ntpasswd/vmlinuz rw vga=1 initrd=/ntpasswd/initrd.cgz /ntpasswd/scsi.cgz
initrd /ntpasswd/initrd.cgz


title DBAN
kernel /memdisk
initrd /dban.img


title SystemRescueCD
kernel /rescuecd initrd=initram.igz video=ofonly vga=0 scandelay=5
initrd /initram.igz


title FreeDOS
kernel /memdisk
initrd /freedos.img floppy


title Reboot

This is a view of my folders. I'm sure its something that i did wrong in here. if you want any subfolders let me know.

oh an i added the memdisk file that iw as missing that allowed the dban to work and the memdisk86 though its still getting some erros in memdisk86 as shown above.


thanks a lot for the help if you have a moment to spare.

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FreeDOS: remove "floppy" at the end of the initrd. Should be "initrd /freedos.img"

SystemRescueCD: incorrect file name. "/rescuecd" should be "/rescuecd.img"

Memtest86+: Where did you get that file? And why is it an .img? I've never seen an .img, only .bin.

Also, have you tried mapping the ISOs? You can map ISOs without using memdisk like you have it with Kon-Boot.

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no i have not tried to map them im pretty sure that i got the memtest86 off their website if you know a good link for it could you provide it?


i changed the freeDOS and it stays on

[linux-bzImage, setup=0x, size=0c]

then it runs some stuff and goes back to the main menu.

not really sure exactly what i need to change with the rescuecd i though i did but it still says the same error.

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So, I've realized that Memtest86 and Memtest86+ are two different things. I boot memtest86+.bin file that is in Back|Track 4 Pre-final and most Linux distros. To boot this all you need is:

kernel /whateverfolder/memtest86+.bin

For mapping ISO files you can use something like:

map /whateverfolder/youriso.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

And if that doesn't work correctly you may have to use "chainloader (hd32)+1"

You can also boot floppy images:

map /whateverfolder/yourimage.img (fd1)
map --hook
chainloader (fd1)

Same as with the ISO, you may have to use "chainloader (fd1)+1"

You can also map ISOs and images into RAM which means MUCH faster performance. This is useful with small ISOs and images ( I'd say < 50Mb, although as long as you have enough RAM, you can load much larger files) or when the BIOS is booting USB 1.1 which is much slower than USB 2.0.

To map an ISO or image into RAM, add "--mem" between the "map" command and the file, like "map --mem /whatever/yourimage.img (fd1)"

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the only thing i can not figure out is why backtrack is not working. i ran the iso from a cd and it worked perfectly though when i run it from usb i was getting an error when i was trying to iso map it and then i get the same image as i got above when i use the same code in my menu.lst.

edit i had to change some things in my menu.lst i will post it for future reference.

title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (1024×768)
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0×317
initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz

title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (800×600)
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0×314
initrd /bootbt4/initrd800.gz

title Start BackTrack Forensics (no swap)
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw vga=0×317
initrd /bootbt4/initrdfr.gz

title Start BackTrack in Safe Graphical Mode
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper xforcevesa rw quiet
initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz

title Start Persistent Live CD
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper persistent rw quiet vga=0×317
initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz

title Start BackTrack in Text Mode
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent textonly rw quiet
initrd /bootbt4/initrd.gz

title Start BackTrack Graphical Mode from RAM
kernel /bootbt4/vmlinuz BOOT=

though i was having a having a problem with the ram. i also do not have a lot on this computer i will check it out when i get home on a better computer.

Again thanks for all of your help i just hope i can contribute to this also.

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