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Make windows reconize two keyboards?


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I have a few spare keyboard hanging around and have just started to play Matrix Online (a mmorpg), im just wondering if I could use two keyboards and make XP reconize them seperatly so one could mod some of the keys be used to run some macros?? Is this possible??

Ive already tryed google.

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You shouldn't have any problems installing two USB keyboards in one computer, XP might get upset if one is PS/2 and the other is USB, i have a feeling the USB kills the PS/2 one.

As for macros, be careful, I know some online mmorpg have policies against people using macros and you could find out self getting banned. Which i'm sure you would agree would not be a fun thing.

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You shouldn't have any problems installing two USB keyboards in one computer, XP might get upset if one is PS/2 and the other is USB, i have a feeling the USB kills the PS/2 one.

Does XP reconize them serperatly. If the button A is pressed on one it will type the letter A but pressed on the other it would type something totally different?? If they did would this be possible buy changing it in the registry?

As for macros, be careful, I know some online mmorpg have policies against people using macros and you could find out self getting banned. Which i'm sure you would agree would not be a fun thing.

Ive checked this out already they allow them as long as they dont give the player a huge advantage which the ones im planing wont.

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When you have two keyboards plugged in at the same time, you should be able to select which keyboard your want to do what. Like if you have two sound cards plugged in you can have both of them working and tell windows which one to use for what.

All you need to do is map the macros onto the keys on the other keyboard. Leaving your normal keyboard as it is. I've know people who are speak more than one language to use more than two keyboards at once, is mainly the people that have a second language that doesn't use the same alphabet, like Japanese.

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When you have two keyboards plugged in at the same time, you should be able to select which keyboard your want to do what. Like if you have two sound cards plugged in you can have both of them working and tell windows which one to use for what.

All you need to do is map the macros onto the keys on the other keyboard. Leaving your normal keyboard as it is. I've know people who are speak more than one language to use more than two keyboards at once, is mainly the people that have a second language that doesn't use the same alphabet, like Japanese.

How exactly do you do that? If I plug two keyboards in I can't see any way to do that, I can switch between various input languages but I can do that with one keyboard. Does it require special software or something?

Also Japanese keyboards have the Latin alphabet on them as well as Japanese kana, in fact the Latin alphabet is often used to enter romaji into an IME for writing kanji.

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My parents have a wireles and a wired keyboard and they both wokr together. one is ps/2 and the othe ris usb.

Work together as if they were separate keyboards, or just act the same though? We already know two keyboards can be used at the same time, but the question is if it is possible to make one have some special function.

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Do you really need two keyboards?

Most keyboards come with software to set up keyboard profiles, I'm sure there is third party software to do it if your keyboard is a generic one. In a few clicks or a press of a hot key you could change from your normal windows profile to your Matrix Online profile that has macros assigned to the keys.

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Do you really need two keyboards?

Most keyboards come with software to set up keyboard profiles, I'm sure there is third party software to do it if your keyboard is a generic one. In a few clicks or a press of a hot key you could change from your normal windows profile to your Matrix Online profile that has macros assigned to the keys.

hot keys such as the F# or shift-F# etc.

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