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Firefox issue


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I have a new computer using XP home.

I run as a Limited user.

I installed firefox v3.0.5 on it using the Admin account.

Now my limited account version of Firefox wants to update to v3.0.5.

But since it's a limited use account it can't install it.

An since it is the most current version if I go to the admin account and run update it says there are none.

So now I am compleatly lost.

I tried to uninstall and reinstall, didn't work.

I tried to uninstall and then delete the App Data in all personal settings and the Program Files, then install it. Didn't work.

The only reason i found out that it was trying to do a update is if failed enough that it tried to redownload it and do it again.

If I go into the options and look at the update history it shows a security update (2008210122) Install pending...? What is this, and could it be the cause of the problem?

If I go in under the Admin and look it doesn't show the security update.

Please help me I am going nuts with this. I can't start firefox with out this damn error. That leaves me stuck with Opera at the moment (not really a bad thing, I just want my firefox back).

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why not just make your limited user an admin while installing the update?

Um cause my main worry is that this could be a Virus...!

How many of those claim to be Security updates these days. I would trust it to be a real update if the Admin one saw it. But since it doesn't It's got me worried.

Now granted i don't think i have done anything or been any where that would warent this caution, but I still rather be safe than sorry.

Also i don't have any recovery disk for this computer. if I did, I would probably try it. But since I don't I am worried about doing so.

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Um cause my main worry is that this could be a Virus...!

How many of those claim to be Security updates these days. I would trust it to be a real update if the Admin one saw it. But since it doesn't It's got me worried.

Now granted i don't think i have done anything or been any where that would warent this caution, but I still rather be safe than sorry.

Also i don't have any recovery disk for this computer. if I did, I would probably try it. But since I don't I am worried about doing so.

Are you saying the update is a virus...? or that a virus is giving you this alert?

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