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Nintendo DS deauthing Post

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Aireplay NDS download link AireplayNDS_EB.rar

Please note that none of this is my own work, all I have done is gathered about 6 posts into one


About Ds-X also try an older hak5 episode that i can't remember cos it is one in the morning


Installing homebrew on a ds, It's doom so, Fuck yea


Aireplay NDS *Early Build*

by JSR

Notes :


Aireplay is a Wifi Packet injection software, well known for Wifi Hacking.

I decided to port it to NDS as most of the new Wifi Chipset allow only Packet Capture and Aireplay is only available on Linux. Having a mobile wifi hacking solution is also a good idea...

In this build, the only activated function is the Broadcast Deauthentification module which allow to deauthenticate every user connected to a specific Access Point. It's useful for capturing ARP Request or flooding the wifi trafic.


Most of Aireplay Linux functions are ported but not included. The NDS Wifi Driver allow only capture of packet sended at 1/2mbit rate. As all the function, unless the one included in this build, require capturing some packet from client side, you can't use them as the Client send them at over 2mbit rate(11mbit...).

I have no solution for this problem. If you have an idea/solution to set/slowdown the traffic rate to 2mbit, send me an email here : jsr(.)exp(@)gmail(.)com.

I will implement your solution and release a full build.

Usage :


AireplayNDS_EarlyBuild.nds for NDS Cart (Slot-1)

AireplayNDS_EarlyBuild.ds.gba for GBA Cart (Slot-2)

A Decent mod chip stores and links, EU & USA

The only stockist that may be in stock of the DS-Xtreme I will post up when confirmed


Modchipstore.com / RealHotStuff


Consolesource / Divineo / Kicktrading / GamerSection


Divineo.es (Spain) / Modchip-store (UK) / Divineo.it (IT) Mod-chip.com (EU) / Divineo.de (DE) / Chollodigital (ES) / Divineo.se (SE) / Shop.01media (SE) / Magichip (FR) / Gameland-Shop (FR) / Divineo.fr (FR) / Consolecave.com ( UK )

And some other Info

A new tool which helps you find WEP keys on routers has been released for the DS. I don't condone getting WEP keys from other peoples routers but its technically an interesting and impressive program as before you had to have a specific setup, laptops etc. Here is what the author says:

Here is a port of ptw attack against WEP, this attack seems to be the least ressource/time consuming. More details about how it works here.

I've only used the source provided by the windows port, and parts from aircrack-ng (because there's no "libpcapDS" for parsing capture files).

You might want to try it with the sample file provided by by aircrack-ng in their wiki.Or please use it with your owns caps (remember : only ARP packets with this attack) and tell me if it worked, and how long it takes for which key length. (sometimes it's very very fast, or it may takes 1 minute,...up to seven once for me, or it may just not find the key).

Just launch aircrackDS.nds (after the DLDI patching) and do have a capture file named /ptw.cap

Waiting for your feedback ! (and hoping i'll find a way to implement the dump and play part...i've seen that jsr has already worked on this !)

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One thing i found working just fine, is that if you have an R4 chip or M3 or any of those desgined to play .nds ROMS on the DS, just drop the aireplay.nds file into the games directory and run it as if you were running a game, works like a charm. I found the range on my DS to be better than all the PC's in my house, getting neighbors wifi showing up.


the DS doesnt have B or N standards, so it can only deauth on wireless G routers

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