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Posts posted by Corrosion.

  1. Computer Sciences are computer sciences, not hacking. It's learning about how computers work, not how to hack them.

    You should look for an Ethical Hacking course for White Hat Hacking or do a Computing course and learn Hacking in your spare time.

    You'll never get a legit job as a 'White hat hacker', perhaps as a Security Analyst but only if you're extremely good (and I mean EXTREMELY good) that's going to be difficult when you could easily drift into being a SW dev with much less effort.

    Being in IT is different for every job, personally I'm working part-time in an IT shop while studying and I work 7 hour days, almost always on my feet talking to people in the store. However I have a friend that works as a Tech and he just sits at a desk on RDC all day- so it depends on the organization.

    Try to learn some basic languages if you have the spare time, start with VB .net.

    Another example is my job

    I'm a computer tech at a restaurant and go from maitence to repair, software installation, network administration, the list goes on....

  2. Your probably wondering why nobodies posted yet... We'll its because you cant just goto hacker school....


    There are things you can do to learn for example working in computer security is a good place to learn to hack said security because in order to secure something you must understand how it is breached. That is just one example.

    another thing is personal experience, there's not a school for everything you have to look into it, I may not be the best hacker here or much else anywhere (other than my local community) lol :) But I learn things that I want to do, I'll look into it on google I get experience because I will get an idea in my mind and run with it and will usually complete it at any expense. Anyway theres my 2 cents (well with the economy its about 1.3 cents huh lol)

  3. I have an old set of computer speakers, I ripped out the circuity and added some 3.5mm jacks for input/output and made a cheap cardboard box speakers out of a $20 wallmart sub woofer so I can take the thing to school easily.

    heres my problem.

    The amp (computer speaker circuity) is in a radioshack enclosure running on two 9volt batteries wired in a series batter4.gif

    If I need to change the batteries I have to take the damn thing apart to put new ones it :/ This could get annoying.

    So.. I have 2 batteries form this


    each one is 6v 600mAh

    So together its 12v 1200mAh (if wired in series)


    If I charge the one of the two batteries will it charge the other in the series? or is this dangerous? If so should I include a switch to disconnect the two batteries from each other before I charge and then charge the two separately.

    And if it is safe seeing as one battery takes 2 hours to charge then total charge time in sequence is 4 hours correct?

    A few more questions

    Is it safe this way

    Is it safe to solder on the batteries contacts

    Is 1200mAh more power than two 9volts?

    Thanks guys


    Will I need a better charger to do this? seeing as the voltage has doubled?


    Ok guys heres what you do if anyone else need this...

    When wired in series as shown in the image at top of thread the voltage will increase ex: two 6v in series = 12v but your mAh will not increase so in this case the two batteries are 600mAh a pecice and will not increase when in a series. You will need a better charger than the one used for a single battery.

    I'm buying this for it. http://www.hangar-9.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=HAN103 Technically a 15v 600mAh would be best but this'll do just fine

  4. I'm running Ubuntu 8.04LTS Desktop

    I'm looking for a low-resource intensive screen capture application that will run smooth even when using compix effects such as the cube. I've tried a few but they come out laggy.

  5. You had a problem with flash too?

    I just got over my flash woes. :) it worked soon after reboot.


    May I wish I had linux earlier (ubuntu) its just amazing, all computers should come stock with this!

    I was amazed from the start, ex: I have a wireless mouse that on windows you have to wait for the driver to installed and recognize the device before it will work, on linux (ubuntu) however my mouse worked the very second I plugged it in.

    I didn't take long for me to figure out how linux/ubuntu works either, I expected to takes weeks/month/etc learning how to run linux but it was easy. I've got compiz/fusion and all my fav apps. Linux is fast as all hell too.

  6. I decided to dual boot my new vista laptop with ubuntu.

    I found this on google: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_wi...irst.htm?page=3

    The problem is they have it to use unpartitioned space, I want to install on vistas backup partition. (Its just a hard drive based backup, I also have it on a set of dvds) How do I install to this instead?


    Is there anything I should know so I don't destroy vista while in linux? Because I know while under linux it wouldn't have anything to protect vista. (ex: if your running vista and try to delete an important file or one thats running you cant but if your running another os you could....) (not that I would do that)

    Also what are your favorite linux apps?

    I plan to install:



    open office

    What else? I kno anti-virus, media, etc just dunno which to get...


    Just so you know I do intend on running it via live cd first to ensure that wifi, dvd-r drive works, etc

  7. well last time i had a computer make that sound was when the capacitor blew on the m/b it was a high then low sound three times for me... dont know if that helps any


    It wouldn't start back up tho without it...

    My computer restarted like nothing happened

  8. I've had my computer over heat once about a year ago.

    It made a constant beeping sound from the speaker but this time I get a sound that almost sounds like a siren from an ambulance. any ideas?

    I checked the case it wasn't too hot and not alot of dust

    So far online I found either power supply or fan stopped on google what do you think?


    I just ran the computer with the case open and all fans are working....

  9. Yep, chances are by connected the infected hard drive into the clean OS, you have now spread the virus onto your own machine.

    I keep a spare machine with a fresh copy of xp on it to scan and backup files and then just reinstall it again when I'm done if you use tinyxp (some app to make it, I dont recommend the torrent for legal reasons) it installs very quickly

    Actually you can use reactos, its not as stable but its opensource/free and its good enough for scan/backup

  10. If you know the interface as well as I do you should be able to setup remotejoy on your psp. You just have to manage to install the plugin and enable it without seeing the psp's screen.. If you use a second psp as a comparasion and set it up the same way you can do it like that.

    Then use remotejoy to see your psp on your computer.

  11. The Emotiv project is a headset that uses your mind to control video games.

    There is a free lite sdk available at: http://www.emotiv.com/

    I think that it should be used to control a smart home. network a home with media centers, etc place ir sensors around the home to control tv, dvdr, etc... The emotiv headset controls the computer and the computer controls the home... I would love to see it used this way, I've already submitted the idea and downloaded the sdk (although I dont think I can code it)

    I thought to do this with the NIA headset but then I saw emotiv on prototype this! (a show on discovery channel)

    What do you think about this idea?

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