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Posts posted by Deathdefyer2002

  1. Ok.

    There are multiple programs out there that you can use to set yourself up with a firewall. If you want to use an old pc, two programs that I like are Smoothwall and IPCOP. Both of these programs will take over a computer and provide you with a web based interface to configure them. Keep in mind though that whatever computer you decide to use will need 3 NICS in order to setup secure WRLS or 2 just to route.

    An other option is using WRT54G and then Re FLashing it with DDWRT. This will provide you with a switch as well as a WRLS access point and a basic router.

    Now for your network

    PC Option

    Internet - Smoothwall <Wrls Access Point



    Internet - WRT54g - Computers


  2. Here is my program:

    #include <Constants.au3>

    HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

    $work = Run("cmd", $STDOUT_CHILD) ;

    AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 1)

    send(" path=c:\Program Files\WinRAR")

    Send ("{ENTER}")

    global $text1

    global $size

    global $test

    global $data

    for $i2 = 97 to 105

    $text1 = $text1 & Chr($i2)

    Send("unrar e hamachi.rar > unrar1.txt")

    Send ("{ENTER}")


    Send ("{ENTER}")


    While 1

    $hello= stdoutread($work)

    If @error Then ExitLoop

    MsgBox(0, "STDOUT read:", $line)


    MsgBox(0,"Text" , $hello)

    $size = FileGetSize("unrar1.txt")

    if $size < 110 then send("q")

    if $size < 110 then Send ("{ENTER}")

    if $size < 110 then exitloop


    Send ("{ENTER}")



    $text1 = Chr($i2-1)

    MsgBox(0, "The Password Was", $text1)


    Func Terminate()

    Exit 0




    Basically what I'm trying to do is run a brute force unrar attack where it runs unrar on file with all the possible combination. I think I got it to work, but the way it works is it saves the output to a file then compares the outputs. If it was successful, the out put is one size where if it didnt work, the output will be another size. I have the program running until the output is the size of the correct password. I know there must be a better way to go about this. I'm thinking something along the lines of a getline then compare it to what is should be. I was thinking about using

    path=c:\Program Files\WinRAR;c:\windows\system32

    echo off

    set x="y Assume Yes on all queries"

    FOR /F "tokens=*" %%R IN ('unrar') DO if echo %%R

    yet I cant get it to work. IF someone who has unRAR installed and can help me code this correctly, I am really trying to learn how to code things like this.

    Thanks a bunch


  3. Hey,

    What i'm looking for is a good coding language or something already coded to do this.

    Basically I want to create a secure website with log in that has a list of all my media files. Maybe even have it take the name then download a picture of it from IMDB.com. I want to be able to search the files by name and also have a way to sort then alphabetically. On the server side, I want it to automatically add new media files as I put them in a specific folder. So maybe have it do a search for new files every night. I want to use VLC to be able to then stream these files to anywhere that I may be. I have been able to manually stream files using a fixed bitrate but if at all possible I would like to have a program constantly ping the connection and increase the bitrate so that i am getting maximum utilization of my bandwidth hence the best picture possible.

    If anyone has any suggestion I would greatly appreciate them :)

  4. Hey,

    I think I found my answer. For anyone else who read this and was waiting for the solution. I found out that John The Ripper has a feature called Test. This actually runs through a quick brute force and tells you how many passwords per second your particular computer can handle.

  5. So for instance. Lets say I Encrypted a file with AES 256 using true crypt. How can I tell how many keys per second my computer is capable of trying. Now If I am correct in understanding this. If I use a rainbow table, the speed is determined by my HD speed. The faster my HD the quicker I can crack the password?

  6. Ok, so assuming that the attacker is using a rainbow table... How can I see how fast it works? And... Can rainbow tables be used on ALL types of passwords? Does this mean that truecrypt is now that much more insecure? I'm very confused

  7. Hey,

    I have been doing some research on passwords and it seems that different computers can crack passwords at different speeds. I am wondering if there is an APP or program that one can run to determine how many passwords per second your particular computer can run through. I know that people have estimates on different machines but I was wondering if there was a specific program that can be run on a specific machine to determine the exact speed. My ultimate goal is to calculate how long my PC would take to crack my password. I have a P4 Dual core 2.4 Ghz. I know that my machine isn't the BEST of the BEST but it is pretty good. I figure that if it would be unreasonable for my computer to crack the password then it should be secure enough in that the general public wont be able to crack it.



  8. Basically what I am trying to do is get my n800 up and running.  My college has its own wireless system that uses Cisco Clean Access which somehow De-Authenticates wireless traffic that Isnt  its own. I know that it is Cisco equipment that they are running and after doing some research, that was the model that I found that does that. I would normally just connect to their wireless but it doesent work half the time and my n800 doesent support java.  Java is a necessary component of their clean access agent therefore you cant connect without it.  This is why im trying to get my own access point running. 

  9. Hey,

    I have tried turning the SSID off and changing it to no effect.  It is actually a device that is attacking my WAP not a person.  I looked it up and it looks like its a "Cisco Wireless Lan Controller". 

    On their website it says "Cisco wireless LAN controllers also play a prominent role in rogue access point detection and containment, as well as wireless intrusion prevention. With Cisco wireless LAN controllers, IT staff can create and enforce consistent security policies across an entire wireless network."

    Im thinking that might be what is happening to my AP. 

  10. Hey,

    I was just wondering if anyone out there knew a way to stop a Cisco Wireless device from attacking my access point.  So far in my tests, it looks as if my AP will work for a short amount of time then Cisco will attack it, and traffic wont go through.  When this happens I loose about 90% of all my traffic.  Now if I change channels, It  will work again for a short amount of time before happening again.  I am currently using  a WRT54G with the DD-WRT firmware installed.  I have limited the output power to 1 MW and am still having the same problem.  The only difference is that Traffic will go though a little bit longer before being attacked.  Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated



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