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Posts posted by kYd

  1. Whats the point of getting access to CMD anyway at college/school. Theres not a fat lot you can do (other than view/delete files).

    I've got access to the C drive on the computer I use at college, and been using it to store a few MP3's (becuase I have no space left my user area and they check and delete for music in our areas) is their any way they can find out? Other than manually looking.

  2. not sure if this has been said, but this is how i would do it (and do at my school)

    open up your folder and do the following


    new shortcut

    command (not cmd, cmd will be blocked)

    and there u go, and older version of cmd that windows doesn't auto block

    My friend done something like that. He created a shortcut that pointed to the $users directory (where everyones user folder and files are stored) and is now able to gain access to everyones files.

  3. hey kYd - do you have the source still? would you mind if I took a look? I'm interested in how you implemented the RSS reading part!

    I didn't do the RSS bit, Microsoft Visual Basic already had an RSS template so I changed the channel. :P

  4. Ok moonlit that was completley random. :?:

    Anywho, because we all love Jack Bauer...here's some more facts:

    >When Google can't find something, it asks Jack Bauer for help.

    >Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because Jack Bauer does not feel like carrying you.

    >It's no use crying over spilt milk... Unless that was Jack Bauer's milk. Oh you are so screwed.

    >Jack Bauer could strangle you with a cordless phone.

    >Men are ok with their wives fantasizing about Jack Bauer during sex; because they are doing the same thing

  5. ^^ You man keiffer sutherland. And no.. he would die. Bruce lee would eat them both for breakfast.

    :x you are mistaken..

    some facts about Jack Bauer

    >Jack Bauer named his cat 'Chuck Norris.' Why? Because He's a pussy.

    >In order to control illegal immigration in the United States, the president installed cardboard cutouts of Jack Bauer along the US/Mexico border.

    >If you're holding a gun to Jack Bauer's head, don't count to three before you shoot. Count to 10. That way, you get to live 7 seconds longer.

    >Don't beg Jack Bauer to shoot you. He will simply shoot your wife. No man tells Jack Bauer what to do.

    >Jack Bauer can leave a message before the beep.

    :P lmao

  6. Apparantley it is actually a decoy album


    "I'm not going to reveal my source, Mister Patience, but do you want to know the kind of things that have been going on while this record was being recorded? Okay, first there was the decoy record just to confound all those would-be bootleggers out there. This took, oh, about a year, just because the band members wanted it to sound pretty close to the real thing (so as to be believable), along with equally believable art design."

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