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Posts posted by beakmyn

  1. Hey guys i need some help. I stupidly have a external hard drive formatted to fat32....so as u know i cant put anything over 4gb on it. Its a 1tb drive. And i have plenty of space. What i want to do is put a 70gb truecrypt file on it while i do a quick format of my computer. So what i was wondering is if i compress it and split it into 650mb files when i go later to decompress it and open the truecrypt container will i have problems or should it be fine. I have a feeling im going to run into problems after its been compressed.... :angry: ......

    As Psychosis said you won't gain much from compression however file splitting should work. I would just "winzip" without compression and set file spanning on.

  2. What you want is something that's called a color organ or light organ. Typically you have a small board mounted microphone or have a sound input that picks up the sound level and translates it to light output. Way back in 1996 I built one from scratch and had it running in my dorm room. It ran several lights through a series of relays. For you its much simpler.

    Personally I would not mount a LED in line with the output of the amplifier, that's just asking for trouble. With the kits and a relay you can all matter of lights (think marker lights, headlights, taillights, strobes, etc).

    Here's some links to various kits.





  3. I just like looking at all the icons and figuring out what programs people are running. @metatron you going to be at Dayton Hamfest in June? I'd like to know your opinions on Yaesu FT-857 if you have one, PM. I think I remember you saying you had an 897.

  4. Man that's some messy coding. non-declaration of variables. Overuse of Variables. Why have 22 commands and results when you do nothing with the results. The commands should be an array of 22. 99% of each command is the same, re-use.

    Just saying it could use some cleaning up. Take a look at my switchblade code posted the forum for some ideas.

  5. FreeNAS would be great for file sharing, but it probably wont work with the ps3. You could try a linux box with ps3 multimedia supprt (there should be at leased one app to do that XD )

    Good luck

    According the Great Google you can use freenas to stream to the ps3:


    I use freenas at home on an old Dell Cpx laptop (500 MHz?). It streams to another computer just fine. It's very easy to set up. I just added a USB drive to it for extra storage and that was almost as simple as point, click, mount. It's also running a webserver and serving media and other things that way.

  6. Hi,

    Yay, my Fon+ arrived. But now I'm running into power issues.

    The Fon+ shipped with a 110-120V power brick with an output of 7.5v 1A.

    Without paying $60 or thereabouts for a US->AU converter brick (the cheapo $10-$15 travel adapters dont change the voltage), the closest I can find is a 'universal' power brick.

    On the 7.5v output settings, the 'universal' brick claims to output 0.9A.

    Is the 0.1A deficit any problem?

    I also found a 7V 2A power brick - can the Fon+ run on just 7V?

    It should work without issues. 1.0 amp is maximum amperage of the plug not necessarily maximum amperage the device is going to draw. You can assume that 1.0 is overkill because the manufacturer wants to cover their butts for all situations. Given that you're fine. Additionally, you're not going to always be drawing maximum unless you're really maxing the device out (lots of traffic, users, wifi going full bore).

  7. Around here the sheriff's and ambulances are in the 360MHz range. However a lot of law enforcement is now using digital trunked systems or switching over. So, you'd need a receiver that's cable of understanding the trunking signal. We don't call them receivers or listeners though, here they're called scanners and you can buy them at any Radio Shack. There's

    It's the same with cellular, there's not much analog cellular anymore.

    Hams also have portions of the band

    420-426 Fast scan TV

    426-432 Fast scan TV

    432-432.125 CW

    432.125-433 satellite

    433 - 435 - FM simplex

    435-438 satellite

    438-442 fast scan TV

    442-445 FM repeater

    445-447 FM simplex

    447-450 FM repeater

  8. I've got Freenas running on an old Dell Cpx 500Mhz. Using just the 40gb internal drive. Just a convient method so I backup files and easily access them from the VPN.

    I turned on the web portal thinking I finally put the Sony Bravia internet link to use and watch movies without hooking up the laptop only to find Sony removed the application. Damn them.

    Anyway, for featherweight use it works for me.

  9. I learned my lesson to never make jokes about music especially if you don't know the musical tastes of those in the car with you. I was in Nebraska and the way to lunch with a client and somehow I made the joke about listening to christian rap and the guy pulled out a christian rap CD out of his glove box. I then had to listen to it for a week straight. Most of the cuts have healed now and voices don't tell me burn things anymore.

    For your enjoyment, always a fun sing-a-long

  10. A lot of power plants still run Win98 on their control computers. Also a lot of atm machines are running OS2 Warp.

    Hey beakmyn, what's the oldest os you've seen large systems running?

    AS 400

    We're replacing a plant that runs on Mod 300 (circa 1984). Yep the whole plant runs off this one machine. It pre-dates the AS400.

    I've got a another client that is still running DOS, NT4, Win 3.1

    @Wetwork. Listening to the pilots on the earphones is not a hack. It's announced by the flight attendents! "If you'd like to listen to the air crew conversation it's on channel 9. However it is as the discretion of the pilot to turn it on or off"

  11. I thought this would be easy. Well it is if you use a Mac or Linux. But, having seen this sort of behavior from users before your best bet is to do this post-process. Train the user as best you can and then follow up with a batch file, or more appropriately Microsoft Powershell:

    Not my doing but a working solution none the less.


    A few pointers though use YYYY-MM-DD (I see the author mentions this also). This is programatically more friendly if you need to do more processing later. Also Microsoft's Alphanubetic* sorting works if you sort by name. While November is easy for a human to read programming it can be a pain in the ...

    *My term (at least I've never heard anyone else use it) for the dumbass method of how Microsoft sorts numbers. Who the hell thought 1 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 made sense?

  12. thanks for the help m8.....i did open up the opkg.conf in an editor and could see all the incorrect address in there. problem was i would have thought it would pick up the correct one anyway and was unsure whether to mess about in there too much. thing is there was other 'stuff' in that file so have no idea what exactly the contents should look like.

    i aslo had no idea what your command was doing untill now. you were basically 'editing' the file with the correct contents.

    anyway here is file contents after i 'cleaned' it up a bit. can you correct it for me. thanks.

    src/gz snapshots http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/8.09/atheros/packages

    dest root /

    dest ram /tmp

    lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists

    option overlay_root /jffs

    src X-Wrt http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8...theros/packages

    Looks good doing an opkg update should verify. Then you could run opkg install webif and you should have the latest x-wrt interface.

  13. If I am not going to do the Intercepeter project do I need the Fon+. Also the when running Jasager do you connect to the internet with the fon or with your normal wireless card in you laptop. I want to to say the normal wireless card but just checking as I don't get great range with this internal one.

    If you use a Fon 1 ethernet port then it needs to be connected to your laptop with ICS so that you can sniff the connection at the same time.

    If you use a Fon+ 2 ethernet ports then you can connect the WAN to a laptop or you can connect it to the jack in the wall. Then you can sniff the traffic from the LAN. Check out my post on replicating traffic that has all the pieces to be able to the wifi traffic from the LAN.

  14. root@OpenWrt:~# echo "src X-Wrt http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8.../packages"

    >> /etc/opkg.conf

    root@OpenWrt:~# opkg update

    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/8.09...ges/Packages.gz

    wget: bad address 'downloads.openwrt.org'

    Downloading hxxp://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8.09/atheros/packages/Packages

    wget: not an http or ftp url: hxxp://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8.09/atheros/packages/Packages

    Collected errors:

    * ERROR: duplicate src declaration. Skipping:

    src X-Wrt http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8...theros/packages

    * ERROR: duplicate src declaration. Skipping:

    src X-Wrt http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8...theros/packages

    * ERROR: duplicate src declaration. Skipping:

    src X-Wrt http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8...theros/packages

    * ERROR: duplicate src declaration. Skipping:

    Looks odd......any idea whats going wrong...why is it trying to wget: bad address 'downloads.openwrt.org'

    I dont really want to reflash as its working on Jasager.

    thanks for helping

    Yes, you failed reading comprehension 101.

    You've got x-wrt defined 4 times defined in your opkg.conf . Once as hxxp which won't work and you've got in there at http 3 more times. You only need it once. The "bad address 'downloads.openwrt.org" means your Fon couldn't get to the openwrt site for updates. You'll want to edit your opkg.conf manually and get rid of the crap now.

    Basically, you ended up doing everything manually by scp the files over and installing them locally. In the end you got it right so you get 2 points out of a possible 5.

  15. root@OpenWrt:~# echo "src X-Wrt hxxp://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8.09/atheros/packages" >> /etc/opkg.conf

    replace hxxp with http, this was to prevent the forum from auto concatenation

    root@OpenWrt:~# opkg update

    root@OpenWrt:~#opkg remove -recursive luci-*

    root@OpenWrt:~# opkg update

    root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install webif

    root@OpenWrt:~# reboot

    Point your browser to

  16. What do you mean by scan the lan connections?

    I'm not seeing exactly what you have achieved here beyond being able to ssh to the fon and see traffic which you could do before anyway.

    I know I'm missing something, what?

    Disclaimer: I've got a bad head cold and I'm full of cold medicine and beer. Great for battling a cold but not so great for coherent posts.

    Granted I didn't accomplish much, yet. Out of the box on the Fon2201 the lan and wifi are isolated from each other, so although they were on the same subnet and had the same DHCP server theere wasn't an iptables rule to allow them to talk to each other. I've put all the pieces to get the lan to see the wifi and vice versa in one post. Now, with that out of the way you can easily sniff traffic albeit everything is on the same connection. I think the next step will be to make the lan compeletly seperate from the wifi via a vlan or similiar and then introduce the interceptor code to mirror the wifi traffic to a tun interface via the lan/openvpn.

  17. All the information is located here if you know what pieces of the puzzle belong where:


    This little tidbit of info is what got it working for me:


    The easiest method.

    Step 1

    Install Jasager Firmware onto your Fon+ 2201 using Fon Flash <<<<1st puzzle piece (easiest way to get firmware flashed)


    Step 2

    uci set network.wifi=interface <<<<<<<<<2nd puzzle piece (if you don't issue this command first all others will fail)

    Fon+ has 3 interfaces lan, wan wifi – by default wifi interface is not configured

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set network.wifi.ifname=ath0

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set network.wifi.proto=static

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set network.wifi.ipaddr=

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set network.wifi.netmask=

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set network.wifi.dns=

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set dhcp.cfg0875fa=dhcp

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set dhcp.cfg0875fa.start=2

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set dhcp.cfg0875fa.limit=250

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set dhcp.cfg0875fa.leasetime=60m

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set dhcp.cfg0875fa.ignore=0

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci set dhcp.cfg0875fa.interface=wifi

    root@OpenWrt:~# uci commit

    Step 3 <<<<3rd puzzle piece

    vi /etc/config/firewall

    uncomment the following line

    # include a file with users custom iptables rules
    config include
            option path /etc/firewall.user

    step 4 <<<<Final piece of the puzzle the other firewall rules in the fon 2201 post didn't work for me this did

    vi /etc/firewall.user

    Add the following lines

    The fix was to add a rule to iptables that allows all traffic that originates from the lan and is going back to the lan:

    iptables -I zone_lan_forward -i br-lan -o br-lan -j ACCEPT

    Now the lan can see the wireless traffic! However the wireless can also see the lan so this is a double-edged sword, beware it's sharp! Also, Jasager will scan the lan connections too!

    For me this accomplishes what I wanted which is to sit on the LAN port and interact with Jasager and the wifi clients. So, getting daemonlogger and openvpn to work isn't as important now.

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