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Everything posted by BlowMe

  1. BlowMe

    nmap with PSP

    yeh, but only if you run it in bochs so it would be SLOW as fuck. not rely worth it. neither will work, you would have to compile them for the PSP, and that would not work because both apps use OS specific APIs. I replied to your post about WiFi cracking on the PSP, look _the PSP is not a good network security tool_ I think the closest thing to a network security app on the PSP is a WiFi sniffer just displays WiFi APs, their signal strength and weather or not they have a encryption (which you can do with the PSP without 3 party apps anyway) you might as well stoping trying to find these types of tools for the PSP, because I am pretty sure there are none.
  2. considering that's a notebook, you should rely turn it off more often, 30 days up time can't be good =/
  3. Clean: Full Size: http://jamesbowden.com/~james/images/scree...gnome_clean.png Busy Full Size: http://jamesbowden.com/~james/images/scree.../gnome_busy.png
  4. BlowMe

    WEP on PSP

    no, there are none as far as I know, and I have done some looking and research myself, give up looking, or try and write one your self if you know how. good luck.
  5. wow keeping screenshots that I have taken to show people things in IRC _do_ come in handy. hope you like forget that screen shot, I'll upload a new one later
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