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Everything posted by colver83

  1. I can find the plugtmp file in ~/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/ when pandora is running using the provided pandora.sh file and executing it using "sh pandora.sh ********************************************************** #!/bin/bash port=$1 if [ ! $port ]; then port=8086 fi export TEMP=`echo ~`/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems java -jar pandora.jar $port& # make sure java has enough time to launch sleep 5 osascript -e "tell application "Firefox"" -e "Get URL "http://localhost:$port"" -e "end tell" **************************************************************** i get this error pandora.sh: line 12: syntax error: unexpected end of file :( i can change directory to ~/desktop/pandora and run java -jar pandora.jar 8086& and get it to run pandora ripper in localhost:8086, but it doesn't rip mp3s and i can't figure out how to make it look in the right directory. either how do i tell pandora.jar where to look or how do i make my .sh file not suck?
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