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Everything posted by Bin4ry

  1. should all be fixed now on git except the error with DJIGlobal, can you please explain what happens? I do not see this error on bash shell. Is it a Windows only problem maybe? Please post what happens there while patching.
  2. Just fyi, i pushed some interesting updates to github. Removed all the online communications and some more. Check it out on github :-)
  3. for iOS it will not work like this. i would not leave the android train. if i am right the android app might get alot better once we remove all the background activity from the app. so if i were you i would wait another month and monitor the progress before i decide ;)
  4. the configs file will do exactly the same as my mod, just a different way to activate the feature. This is not the thread to discuss the config files, please move to the correct thread then, such files are around for a long time (32ch mod etc.). IF it does not increase the power of your aircraft but only of your remote it is designed this way by DJI and you cannot change it with the config file either. Best Regards
  5. what you mean is the DJI.configs file, yes it should work, also on iOS. Difference is that this can only do a limited range of parameters, but if you only want fcc without the rest this should work for you, if you want the full package aka no fw upgrade check etc, then you need the mod.
  6. as far as i saw (but have not looked reall yet) i did not see any GMaps integration. I said before: I think if DJI removed GMaps they had a reason for it most likely it is more expensive than here maps. To use Google Maps inside an 3rd party application (like DJI Go) you need to have an API key, google will bill you for requests then, so IF i add the whole google maps stuff from an older version to this version i would force DJI to pay for the increasing Google Maps use. I don't think this is ok, so i will not add google maps back. For login, go a few pages back, create a patchfile yourself from the posted code and test it ;) I hope @artu-ole will find time to finish his patch an push it to the git. Same goes for @shax i hope you found the values to make the textbox editable and push your patch soon :) Best Regards
  7. you can use that but i would appreciate not posting a video here, becasue people may confuse it with a tutorial for the actual software ;) I will do a windows batch version in the next release. So you can do it from windows with 1 click too if you dont use linux.
  8. it is really easy once you understand the idea, trust me ;)
  9. Install either a small linux distri (ubuntu from usb would be fine) or install bash shell for windows 10. then you can use it ;) Best Regards
  10. @fredz: hmmm not sure. but i think the bash console on windows 10 should work good enough. but the process itself should work on windows too, apktool works on windows too and i think patch should be available for windows too somewhere. So either install the bash console for windows10 if you habe win10 or run the commands manually from cmd one after antoher. i may make a windows batch to automate the process for future releases when i have more time.
  11. You are welcome to take your own look into the code ;) We still have to work out what is possible and what not.
  12. can you put a patchfile together and push it to the new github? Thanks =) Best Regards
  13. That is really cool! Please upload the patch to the github asap :) Best Regards
  14. Oh wow, i did not hear that before. I however did logout and login to my app and i am not banned. Login removal was posted already, once all patches are up on the new github you can create a version by your wishes ;) What do you want me to include in the first message? Best Regards
  15. I have added the github to first post :) also i did remove direct download links to apk's. I don't want to get into legal problems, i think the way i describe on the git is a good way to not having legal problems and it is very easy to do :) I hope now that you other guys will upload your patches to the git. I would be happy to add some of you there directly into the project if you like! Best Regards
  16. Hey, i just started putting stuff together for the github but i don't have this much time today as i hoped so it will have to wait until tomorrow until i push it online. @artu-ole did you test the login hack? Will it break stuff? Because i saw some of the login values referenced in many parts of the software, so i fear that it will let the app crash if we just remove it or did you fake a login? Best Regards
  17. Yah, for google maps i still have to take a look. You know Google Maps needs an APIkey, they will bill you (or DJI) for the use, so i think DJI may have removed it and i am not willing to put it back if they removed it for this reason! For the login i will see, it is so much spread there it is an longterm search to not break anything important.
  18. yeah, sorry for not writing it clearly. My apk is signed with the android testkeys. So if you want to install it you have to remove the original version first. If you want to update my apk to a newer version you can just install it since it will again use the testkey ;) I will most likely push some scripts tomorrow to github along with my patches so that everybody can build an own apk easily. Also i hope that github will kickstart others helping on the mod. If anybody wants to help i am more than happy to discuss ;) Best Regards
  19. @Kyokushin could you give me a screenshot of the error message when you try to start the aircarft? Best Regards
  20. Ok, here i am back again, sorry for not posting earlier but my account hit the posting limit like digininja explained. For google maps: I will look into it soon. This is the latest patch,in contrary to patch number 2 which should deactivate updates of the app and disables force updates this patch will not completely remove the UpgradeManagerService, or better said it will remove the start of the service. It can be found in classes5.dex -> dji/pilot/publics/object/DjiApplicationLike.class (which is part of the main activity starting process). Here we see this code in it's onCreate function this.upgradeService = new Intent(getApplication(), DJIUpgradeService.class); getApplication().startService(this.upgradeService); to remove this we need to remove this lines from smali code .line 155 new-instance v0, Landroid/content/Intent; invoke-virtual {p0}, Ldji/pilot/publics/objects/DJIApplicationLike;->getApplication()Landroid/app/Application; move-result-object v1 const-class v2, Ldji/dbox/upgrade/p4/statemachine/DJIUpgradeService; invoke-direct {v0, v1, v2}, Landroid/content/Intent;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/Class;)V iput-object v0, p0, Ldji/pilot/publics/objects/DJIApplicationLike;->upgradeService:Landroid/content/Intent; .line 156 invoke-virtual {p0}, Ldji/pilot/publics/objects/DJIApplicationLike;->getApplication()Landroid/app/Application; move-result-object v0 iget-object v1, p0, Ldji/pilot/publics/objects/DJIApplicationLike;->upgradeService:Landroid/content/Intent; invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/app/Application;->startService(Landroid/content/Intent;)Landroid/content/ComponentName; after the removal DJI Go will no longer check your firmware version and will not connect home to download Upgrades :) This is the change for version 5 which can be downloaded here: !Downloadlink removed! @Kyokushin: I think i can enable P3 in DJI Go4, give me some time to pin it down. @ 微风小杨: Thanks for the infos Best Regards
  21. I don't have this producs, so what do you want modded there? Same thing? How do they work are they android based too? Do they also use the Dji Go4 app? If they use the DJI Go 4 app the same FCC hack should work automatically =) Give me a few infos about this products as i am new to this stuff. Best Regrads
  22. Thanks for your contribution. Can you explain where you did find this values so i don't have to go through all the 27k files manually? :) Even if i doubt i will force the boost (due to the overheat problem you mentioned) i would love to take a look what else is there ;) Best Regards
  23. Ok, i keep adding posts until i can edit the first post. Due to request i did a search for the update functions and the forced update dji added. I found it in classes2.dex (com/dji/update), there were some interesting functions inside: First there are these strings: private static final String j = "https://adhoc-staging.aasky.net/api/v1/go/auto_upgrade"; private static final String k = "https://adhoc.djiservice.org/api/v1/go/auto_upgrade"; i changed them to private static final String j = ""; private static final String k = ""; also here private static void a(Context paramContext, String paramString1, final boolean paramBoolean1, final a parama, String paramString2, final boolean paramBoolean2) { if (a) {} for (String str = "https://adhoc-staging.aasky.net/api/v1/go/auto_upgrade";; str = "https://adhoc.djiservice.org/api/v1/go/auto_upgrade") { d.a(str, paramString2, paramString1, new d.a() { public void a(String paramAnonymousString) { Log.d("UpdateAgent", paramAnonymousString); OnlineConfig localOnlineConfig = (OnlineConfig)new Gson().fromJson(paramAnonymousString, OnlineConfig.class); try { localOnlineConfig.saveToFile(this.a, "Config.data"); if (!a.a(localOnlineConfig)) { if (parama != null) { parama.a("Data error:" + paramAnonymousString); } return; } } catch (IOException localIOException) { do { for (;;) { localIOException.printStackTrace(); } if (parama != null) { parama.a("server success:" + paramAnonymousString, localOnlineConfig); } } while (paramBoolean2); a.a(localOnlineConfig, this.a, paramBoolean1); } } public void a(Throwable paramAnonymousThrowable, int paramAnonymousInt, String paramAnonymousString) { if (parama != null) { parama.a("server failed:" + paramAnonymousInt); } } }); return; } } did the same to the urls to make sure it cannot connect to the dji server. inside another file called OnlineConfig i found public boolean needForceUpdate() { return this.force_update; } public boolean needUpdate() { return this.update; } where i changed it to: public boolean needForceUpdate() { return false; } public boolean needUpdate() { return false; } this should make sure that the other online functions (like maps etc. are still intact, but softwareupdates cannot work AND are not forced). Also i did find the "old" dialog where one was able to edit the CountryCode, so i did enable it too, this way you can switch to EU (if you really want to), also removed the 9 taps on the SN to open it, it opens on first touch. (To open this dialog connect your aircraft -> About device -> tap on SN of flightcontroller) Here are the new versions: !Downloadlink removed! I hope this helps =)
  24. I am not able to edit the first post (maybe because i don't have many posts yet) but here is a mirror on google drive: !Downloadlink removed! Best Regards Bin4ry
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