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Posts posted by Bob123

  1. Thief 2 was an amazing game!  That was the first game that I played with surround sound!  There was nothing more impressive than the ghosts or spirits with the chains at the beginning of the game.  They would walk behind me and I could actually hear them behind me.  Way cool!  So what is this tafterpatch you speak of?  I googled it and found some forum that had like 48 pages.  Any links or anything you could send me?  I still have the discs for Thief 2, is there a way to install them in Windows 7?  I can't even remember if I got them to work on XP.  I think that was a 98/Me game wasn't it?  Any info would be great.  I'd love to play through that game again.  Specially with improved graphics.  Thanks.

  2. Hello.  So I would like some sort of portable media player to put on the back of headrests in cars.  I currently have an LCD / DVD player that fits on the back of the headrest but in order to watch several movies means I have to carry around several DVDs which works but adding to the collection takes time and would be much easier if I could just use a flash drive or something of that sort. 

    So far the idea I've formulated but haven't had time to work on yet is to use a raspberry pi 3 and a portable LCD screen that plugs into it.  It all sounds great but I'll need to come up with some sort of case, mounting, and cooling for the unit.  I'll also need some sort of front end, I know there are distros for that but the main concern is do I rely on some sort of remote?  I do like the fact that the dvd player I have mentioned above has buttons built into the unit.  I could use the GPIO but again that would make for a very custom case which might be more than I can do at the moment. 

    My next idea would be to use some sort of tablet.  I don't want to spend a bunch.  I have a kids tablet and a kindle fire but believe it or not both don't do a very good job at playing mp4 videos.  And I'm not sure how converting the files will work.  It seems like when I convert a reasonably sized file to a tablet / phone size it gets larger not smaller.  So just a simple tablet that works good for watching movies, I could mount to a headrest, and I could just use the built in touch, would be perfect.  Again though I want to keep the price low as it'll only get used a hand full of times a year.

    Any ideas or opinions would be great.  If you know of specific items please feel free to list them.  Some sort of portable touchscreen media player would be perfect.  Thanks.

  3. So I read this post a while back and thought about it several times, each time thinking of a new reply but then rethinking about it again.  So let's give it a whirl.  What exactly are your concerns?  Your concerned your going to buy a used PC that has been infected by badUSB?  Wouldn't you want to wipe the hard drive anyways?  I'll probably end up going way off topic here but let's look at it from several angles.  First of all depending on your funds...just build your own PC.  Much more fun.  Ok that angle is done now let's look at a few more...so you have a pc in front of you and you don't know what lies inside. 

    I'd power it up without it being connected to your network and look around.  See if there is anything of interest on it.  I don't want to get into any trouble here but if you "own" it now then I would guess if you want to salvage the OS or any other programs on it you could waste a USB thumb drive and install some software on there to relieve the PC of it's keys.  If there is nothing else of interest on there then blast it and install a fresh OS.

    If your still concerned that the firmware of certain devices may be compromised due to a badUSB hack them break down the items you have to worry about.  If the hard drive firmware is questionable ditch it and buy a new hard drive.  If the optical drive firmware is questionable ditch it all together since those are going by the wayside anyways.  CPU/RAM should be fine.  Motherboard BIOS...replace motherboard?  Order a new BIOS chip?  Same goes with add on cards (network, video, sound, etc.)

    Unless you live in an area where everyone and their cousin are running around infecting PCs with badUSB I'd think that would be the least of your worries.  Not to freak you out but when you do a fresh install of say Windows...who owns it?  It definitely isn't you or I.  Maybe back with good old XP but current OS's...nope.  MS will constantly have that computer phone home without telling you.  I installed a fresh install of Windows 10 a few weeks back.  I knew I was wasting my time but I bothered to delete all of the apps I knew I wouldn't use...I gave it about an hour and MS decided I really needed those apps and reinstalled them without me asking.  So obviously I don't own it.  Same with Mac.  Good luck assuming you have any control over that OS.  It'll just straight up ignore a command if it doesn't feel like doing it.  Sorry Mac guys but it's true.  And even some bigger brand Linux OS's are doing that now too.  I'd be a bit more concerned about that than a random attack on a machine. 

    That's just my two sense on the matter.  I get random PCs all the time and there's nothing more fun then just diving in and looking around. 

  4. Maybe I'm missing something but why not just run Kali in a VM on your laptop?  Then you always have it with you.  If you need to sniff wifi just carry an external usb wifi card.  I always have a few Linux VMs and a usb alfa card on me.  Never have time to use it but it's with me. 

  5. So first of all I think the Hak5 team have made some awesome stuff.  I own pretty much everything that's out except for the most recent Wifi Pineapples.  And I purchased everything with the idea of doing POC and just having fun in my own controlled environment.  I am not a pen tester, not a hacker, I just enjoy tinkering.  So my confusion comes in on the main selling point for these tools.  Again if I had to buy them all over again I'd do it in a second.  These are cool tools.  But they are meant to be covert...covert in pen testing or...other things...  Yet almost every device needs a driver to work when plugged into a fresh computer.  And almost ever script needs to be tweaked in one way or another depending on the computer environment.  I understand every computer is different and every network is different but how are these tools really used in a pen test environment?  Has anyone actually had luck walking into a company, plugging in one of these tools and having it do what you want on the first try? 

  6. Greetings all.  I have a few questions.  I have a Bash Bunny and was able to get the wifi dump script to run on it so I feel it has done what I asked it to do.  My question is, looking through the forums why are people having problems and why are there setup instructions that should be done first thing on the Bash Bunny?  Initially not seeing anything strange until I really dug into the forums I simply plugged in my Bash Bunny and went to work.  Am I missing something?  Both switches seem to work fine.  I will say I was not able to Putty into the serial console but that may be due to the fact that my laptop assigned it to port 16 which is a bit up there.  Installing the serial drivers was easy and setting up the network driver in Windows 7 was also simple.  I could Putty into the Bash Bunny through Ethernet without issue.  I will try going through serial again on a different computer and report back.  I also don't have some of the dependencies that some of the scripts require but beyond that I think my Bash Bunny is operating normally.  Am I going to run into trouble for not following the guides on here? 

    - Bob123 (formally Thweety)

  7. Yay I got it to work.  My line above was incorrect.  I did need the "'" thingy because the duck / bunny was typing...not me.  Human's don't need the starting ' and ending ' and because I didn't realize that it would fail on the Label part because of another ' which made sense after using my brain. 

    What's puzzling though is the amount of delay's I had to put in the code.  I understand these are mostly just POC's but the way these are sold to the audience...these should be quick and covert.  I basically had to put a delay after every line to get it to execute properly.  Granted my laptop is no slouch...it definitely makes you realize that ALL computers are different and will behave differently when things are plugged into them.

  8. Hey guys and thanks for getting back with me.  Looks like US is the way to go.  It amazes me though how one person's script can work on their machine but not on others.  I don't do a lot in powershell but it's strange how it would be slightly different for everyone. 

    The string in the script is:  'cd (gwmi win32_volume -f "'"Label='BashBunny'"'").Name'

    But mine had to be: 'cd (gwmi win32_volume -Filter "Label='BashBunny'").Name’

    I have no idea why -f and -Filter are different...they appear to be the same to me yet -f didn't work and the Label """"" had too many """"" which again must work on someone's powershell but not mine.  Overall with the few mods the script will work...mine is loosing focus for some reason, not sure if it's due to the storage loading up too or what but I can physically see things happening...but it's still not completing.  And looking at the script I see no reason why it shouldn't.

    Kel, yes you would want to use this on a laptop or some machine with wifi.  netsh wlan export profile key=clear  grabs whatever is stored on your machine for SSID's and makes an XML file of each one with it's password shown in clear text.  It's not clean but it does work.  Having taken this laptop pretty much everywhere I travel for work, I get on a lot of wifi networks and Windows keeps track of them.  This script simply grabs them all and shoves them in a folder.


  9. Sorry I got to start somewhere.  I too have tried this payload from the github then just copying yours Kel.  It completes but the folder is empty.  What am I doing wrong?

    Also my keyboard is a US or EN layout...what's the two letter for that?  Is it just EN or US?  I'm not sure if that's causing it or if there is something messed up with my powershell.  Any help would be great.  Thanks.

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