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Posts posted by Decoy

  1. While you might not be able to run Duckyscript on a locked machine, if all you're looking to do is modify the background or screensaver - you can do this remotely via regedit on Windows Machines. All you need is the host name or IP of the Computer on the network (assuming you're on the same network). Once connected to their registry remotely, you can modify all sorts of things, including (but not limited to) their background, screensaver, you can even swap their mouse buttons or keyboard keys. You could write a simple payload which you could execute on your own machine to automate the process if you were so inclined.

  2. This is an excellent site. Lots of great (free) information from trusted sources. There are also free VMs with real life scenarios in them for you to test your skills and knowledge throughout the process:


    Also - Offensive Security has put together a nice page as well that will walk you through Metasploit - and includes a vulnerable VM, "Metasploitable":


    Once you've learned all you can - VulnHub is one of my personal favorites for some could old fashioned CTF Fun:



    Good Luck!

  3. Whenever there are attempts made on multiple websites, it probably means you were involved in a breach. Attackers are hoping you use the same password everywhere, so they write scripts to automatically try the same login credentials harvested from the breach on other sites. Have you checked Troy Hunt's "haveibeenpwned"?

  4. 10 hours ago, i8igmac said:

    This is a pre computed hash table... if you took a packet with the ssid of  'HOME-AB01' and encrypted it with 170,000 passwords, you would thin have a pre computed hash table saved to a hard drive... This would take my labtop about 11 seconds to generate, once completed then a lookup is only 1 second...

    I am interested in download links for wpa word list. There has to be a updated version. There have been so many huge data breaches lately...

    While there ARE  pre-computed hash tables, there are also links there to the word lists they used. Check out the link, and notice the tables for download, and the word lists separately.

  5. 3 hours ago, voldemort said:

    Can anyone tell how to make usb rubber ducky as that is shown in mr robot to get password ?

    There is also an episode on Hak.5 that shows how it's done. Maybe even 2 episodes.

  6. Yeah, I've had a lot of problems with that. The keyboards haven't been updated on there for some time. You are better off cloning the GitHub repository and running the duck encoder from the command line, passing in your keyboard resource that way. I had similar character conversion problems while using the DuckToolKit. Let me know if you run into issues.

  7. What about Gemtek routers? Do you know how those are setup? I can't seem to find any info out there. Trying to build a word list. Same for Xfinity routers, I think they might be the same as Netgear, but I'm not 100% positive. The SSIDs are usually HOME-C582-2.4 where C582 are last 2 octets. Any encounter these before? Thanks,


  8. I still see the Nessus module on GitHub too. Now you've got me curious. I'll get back to you once I find out more. PacketFence is still good in my opinion though, just to follow up on my original point. I'm not totally familiar with Cujo.

  9. Damn, that's hefty. I suppose you'd have to use OpenVAS then. I still get updates to my Nessus vulnerability database I think. The PacketFence website doesn't indicate any additional licensing either. Either way that's too bad as Nessus is pretty good. I've used OpenVAS in the past as well when I do network audits, and as far as I know that's still free.

  10. It's not the full suite of tools, it's just a scanner object that works with PacketFence. You don't need to pay for a license. Alternatively you can use OpenVAS with it if you're so inclined.

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