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  1. I'm not sure what I did tbh but it's working just fine now. My nickname should be glitch Bc I always seem to get them with anything I touch :/
  2. You're fine, it's usually little things that I miss anyway. I have clicked refresh on the client page, I have moved to dashboard and it says 0 clients connected. I have every option available under PineAP selected. My devices are able to access the internet through the PineAP. It just states that no clients are connected even though they technically are.
  3. Yes, the phone and even if I try my other computer, I can manually select the spoofed AP and it says it's connected but on the web GUI it states there are no clients. And the pineapple is in the same room as the phone and second computer. The router is a good ways away
  4. I'm having the same issue. Two days ago I was able to connect clients and the landing page popped up no problems for the clients. Now no clients connect.
  5. I'm using my pineapple nano with Kali. A few days ago I was able to use my iphone as a client on the Pine AP (I was learning how it worked). The landing page popped up beautifully and had no issues. Now, even after a factory reset of the pineapple I still cannot get my iphone or any other device to connect to the Pine AP as a client. When I use my iphone and look at it's wifi settings, it shows it spoofing my real AP because it shows it as an open AP as my real AP is password protected. It just won't show up as a client in the web gui. I have the filters set to allow for the specific devices I want connected, I didn't change a thing. Any clue as to what could possibly make it not work out of no where?
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