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  1. Isn't it crazy just how much you can accomplish with 128MB of RAM on one of those hosts. I've been using one as a VPN server for a handful of connections for a couple years.
  2. I should note that the same company offers a $25/year KVM host if you need that. But VMs from that host are in high demand as they are regarded as the best out there for these low cost VMs. I used to use hosts from TinyVZ/TinyKVM which is run by RamHost.us before I was able to snap up a couple BuyVM ones. http://tinyvz.com/ - http://tinykvm.com/
  3. http://buyvm.net/openvz-vps/ I've had a couple of their OpenVZ 128MB VMs for a few years now. They come surprisingly handy for only a couple bucks per year.
  4. Thanks Raz0r, Are you doing this with a LAN Turtle or an existing linux device? Thanks for the suggestion, $15/year USD that saves me from having to re-roll the VM every year is worth it for me. 1 Core @ 2.0GHz, 128MB of RAM, 15GB of storage and 500GBs of monthly download bandwidth - should be sufficient for SSH Tunneling.
  5. Would you (Darren or anyone) recommend/suggest the LAN Turtle as the always connected man-on-the-inside to facilitate a SSH tunnel for a DVR application? A few days before the LAN Turtle was announced I began researching the best way to punch through some ISP level NAT to open up access to a Security DVR at a remote site. Immediately I thought of using a linux device on site, autoSSHing into a VPS (probably a $15/year BuyVM OpenVZ VM) with a port forward through the tunnel. I have already tested the theory with my laptop on my last visit - "ssh -R [DVR-PORT]:[DVR-LOCAL-IP]:[DVR-PORT] [uSER]@[VPS-IP]' worked perfectly, I was able to get the DVR through [VPS-IP]:[DVR-PORT]. So the hunt was on for the best linux device to use here, was originally thinking a Raspberry Pi but then the LAN Turtle was announced and looks a perfect match. It's just such a new item that I'm sure no one has really tested it at any major length in this type of capacity. I was also wondering if the AutoSSH module could be easily modified to incorporate a local device forward like I am looking to achieve, if so I could easily see this device being used much more often in my installs. To reiterate, I'm looking to maintain a persistent tunnel from a VPS through the LAN Turtle to a device on that LAN. [DVR]:1234 <-- [LAN Turtle] -- [Local Router NAT] -- [iSP NAT] -- [interwebs] --> [VPS]:1234
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