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Posts posted by sud0nick

  1. Have you done any research yourself first? What have you tried so far? You need to bring some effort to us otherwise most people won't put forth any effort for you.

    Look at using the DIP switches to accomplish this.


    Also, try searching the forums before posting. I found this post from the MK3 forums that shows you how to use dnsspoof from the command line. This will give you the proper commands for setting up the DIP switches.


    Good luck.

    Edit: Also, I think you can set DNSSpoof to autostart from the web interface.

  2. Hey guys, I have an Samsung S4 that I'd like to tether via USB (rather than wifi teather)

    Has anyone tried this before? Is it possible?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    I have a GS4 as well and I've tried multiple times to no avail. I even posted a question about it awhile back with zero response so if you get it working please let me know. I may take another shot at it again soon.

  3. Can I use any other charger with 12V? Does the Pineapple Juice 1800 has a built-in protection so that it gets not over-charged when connected too long to the power supply?

    You should have received adapters with your kit that you can swap with the US plug on the power supply. I have left mine charging all night before without a problem.

    And must the battery be always switched on before it is charged?

    Yes. In order for the battery to charge the power must be on.

  4. First connect through Ethernet. That is probably going to be the most stable connection. Then SSH into it. If you are using Windows then I would use PuTTY, if you are on Linux then use the ssh command.

    ssh root@

    It will ask for your password and you're in! PuTTY is pretty much the same on Windows but there is a GUI.

  5. You don't use "." in front of an absolute path. That makes no sense. The period tells the shell to look for the file in your current directory, not that you want to execute it. Try this stuff without a period.

    You're right, but I could have sworn I've done it that way before. As you can tell I don't write many shell scripts.

  6. So I found this other thread in the forums that makes a suggestion (https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/32753-trouble-running-stuff-in-background-dip-switches/?hl=%2Bshell+%2Bscript+%2Bdip+%2Bswitch#entry246037). The command fields may be weird and not accept a command that calls a script directly. In the thread I linked to there is a suggestion that one should try echoing the command like so:

    echo "./root/pine-ap-start.sh"


    echo "./root/pine-ap-start.sh" | at now

    This seems ridiculous to me but it's worth a shot to try everything.

    I also should have mentioned this before but try changing your script to /bin/bash instead of /bin/ash. Just a thought...

  7. /root/pine-ap-start.sh is the absolute path; I tried it with ./pine-ap-start.sh too and id tidn't work :(

    What I meant was have you tried putting a period at the beginning of the absolute path? It needs to path the find the script and the period to know you want to execute it.

  8. My Pineapple came with the sd card inserted as well. As for the memory issue I have no answer but I generally install infusions on the sd card for two reasons. One, because I don't want to fill up my internal storage, and two, because for things like Evil Portal II, where I have many different web pages and associated files, I want to keep everything across firmware upgrades. I also switched my sd card to a 16GB so I can't really compare my resources tile to yours.

  9. If you don't need to control the Pineapple from iOS or Safari on a Mac, don't bother with upgrading (and consequently wiping your settings). 2.1.1 fixes nothing except for an issue with Safari.

    Good point. Unless if jnkfile really is running on 1.2.0 and that wasn't a typo. :unsure:

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