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Everything posted by Lord_humungus

  1. I have written the inject.file in note pad and is 13.5kb in size.
  2. My greetings to you Hak5 Ninja and my thanks for taking the time to offer assistance. In respect to your question, I present the following REM Add delay to ensure Windows can add appropriate driver GUI-R STRING notepad ENTER DELAY 500 STRING This is my first Ducky Script
  3. I just received my Ducky and when I plugged it into my laptop it beeped a couple of times. This was not the behavior I expected. I repeated deployment a couple of times with the same result. I then moved to encode my own script and deploy it. Numerous behaviors were obsereved non of which were scripted. I am using the latest version encoder and the target PC is running Vista. Please any help I can get would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Lord_ Humungus
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