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Posts posted by Subspace3

  1. Hi all,

    Yes I know I'm lame, its been such a long time since I've done any kind of scripting, I'm a cisco kid now. Wondering if any one can help me.

    echo -n Enter BSSID:

    read name

    echo $name >> /tmp/blacklist.txt

    Basically wanting that to run multiple times and then move on when the user is finished entering. I know I could just send the values as arguments when running the script (script.sh arg1 arg2 ect( but this way is much nicer.

    I'm thinking something like a while loop reading $name and if say "exit" comes up breaking the loop, but not sure on the syntax or if this is the best way as 'exit' would appear in the file also.

    thanks for any help

  2. Hi all,

    Wondering if anyone can help, bit of a noob with this. Had a pineapple quite a while and had no problems so far, all working well.

    Decided to try and get 3g working so bought a mf637 T-mobile branded dongle unlocked.

    Using a script found on the forums I'm getting no joy at all and have no clue where to start.

    Lsusb output doesn't show the dongle at all :


    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1a40:0101 Terminus Technology Inc. 4-Port HUB
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Fit


    When I unplug and put the dongle back in I see this in the logs:


    00:02:52 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 172.570000] usb 1-1.3: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-platform
    00:02:52 Pineapple kern.err kernel: [ 172.620000] hub 1-1:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 3


    Did ls /dev/tty* to see if anything matches as defined in the script (/dev/ttyUSB0) but nothing along those lines is shown.

    I tested my three 321 uk sim in the dongle on my laptop after filling in the apn and dial number settings and it connected ok, however not allowing me to browse (they new it was in a dongle and therefore not allowed!) guess Ill have to change sim. I'm guessing this wouldn't have anything to do with my problems would it.

    Thanks for any info (script below)


    *19d2:0031*) echo "ZTE MF637 (3UK) detected. Attempting mode switch"
    uci delete network.wan2
    set network.wan2=interface
    uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0
    set network.wan2.proto=3g
    uci set network.wan2.service=umts
    set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0
    set network.wan2.apn=three.co.uk
    set network.wan2.defaultroute=1
    uci commit network
    10; rmmod usbserial
    5; insmod usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0x0031
    sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop
    "3G: firewall stopped"
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE
    -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT
    -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT

  3. Hi all,

    New user to the duck wondering if any of you guys can help me. I've updated the firmware to twin duck to eventually use mimikatz and procdump on my system.

    1st of all I tested with my default inject.bin which was a lock screen message found on github. Didn't work when plugging in as before upgrade, but changed the 1st delay to 1000 now it runs fine when plugging in.

    Testing another script (below), for some reason it just stops when the screen resolution dialog pops up. Nothing else. Just stops dead. Any ideas? Probably something simple, just want to make sure I'm doing everything right.

    DELAY 1000
    DELAY 50
    STRING Screen Resolution
    DELAY 50
    DELAY 100

    Currently encoding using duckencoder 2.62 with java -jar encoder.jar -l resources\uk.properties -i rotatescreen.txt -o inject.bin and all comes up ok.

    Thanks for any help

    ps not sure if it affects it, I changed the vid pid placing vidpid.bin on the root of the sd.

  4. I'd use a script with mdk3 for that. Add the macs you want to whitelist in the script. Search the forums, I think someone put up an example script which you could modify. If you think you'll have poblem, yes use the alfa in the kali vm and just have the pineapple with karma running.

  5. If its just accessesing the web gui, as above. If its setting up ICS, sharing the internet on your computer via an ethernet cable connected to the pineapple, then make sure you have windows firewall on, wont work if its turned off. On the lan for the pineapple, make sure subnet mask and set for primary dns.

    Also just after you enable sharing for the pineapple lan adapter on your internet facing adapter on your computer, go back and make sure, subnet mask and dns are still set as windows 7 will try to change these to something if i remember correctly.

  6. Hi All,

    First time user here and before I ask my question I'd just like to say a big thankyou to all the people who have worked on the MKIV and the people who contribute to the forums and wikis. I bought myself an ap121u and flashed it in no time at all with little prior experience, couldnt have been easier.

    I've used a script provided by lsc on these forums to get my internet tethering via wifi and an alfa dongle working great, apart from one thing. Doesnt seem to change the mac address of the above mentioned dongle. Ive tried doing it manually and also setting a mac as per below.

    Ifconfig wlan1 down
    macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan1
    ifconfig wlan1 up

    Comes up with the error ERROR: Can't change MAC: interface up or not permission: Invalid argument after trying to change.

    Any ideas? Im probably overlooking something simple. I havent tried changing wlan0 yet but i guess that will be fine, is it because im not using the supported dongle? Driver issue?

    A point in the right direction or any help would be great. Thanks again


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